Behavior of Morph Parameter when loading Rigs

  • Hi,

    Example: I set my Delay-Mix from 40% to 90% as a Morph parameter.

    I want to have 80% delay-mix, when loading this Rig, because that is, what the Song needs. I want to fine-tune it for live situations to max. 90% ... and later in the song it should dry up to 40%.

    When I load this Rig, it always is loaded with 40% Delay-Mix (min. Morph value). - and i have to move the pedal to the 80% mix. Thats possible, but sometimes you just want to hit one button and just play this Solo or whatever. :)

    My Request:
    If you set up min and max Morph-values, then adjust the morph Pedal (or knob in Rig-Menue) so that delay-mix is 80% and THEN save the preset. It would be perfect, that the Profiler loads this rig with the 80% Delay-mix, which were saved with the rig (not loosing the 40% and 90% morph-limits).

    Or maybe a possibility to choose between loading behaviour: "State A", "State B", "Saved state" and "last morph state" (last one maybe with a "lock morph-state")?
    like the loading behavior of performances (Slot1, pending .... etc)


    Edited once, last by mortl (November 18, 2016 at 9:03 AM).