TC electronic mimiq doubler

  • I am not sure if i got your question right. So here again is what do to:

    In the "X" slot of the Kemper, load and activate the "loop stereo" effect. No need to change the settings.

    Connect the KPA direct to to Mimiq mono in. Stereo out from the mimiq to KPA return and alternative input. That should be all.

    The firmware 1.1. is very important since it fixes most of the phasing problems of version 1.0. Please read the manual carefully how to update. I did not not and update failed. There is a special procedure needed before attaching the mimiq to the usb port.

  • I just discover this effect, but I like it...
    I use it very subtle (thightness on 8 o clock, effect and dry on max) , but I like it! :thumbup:
    Very useful when playing alone in a band...
    But I need to experiment more...

    Edited once, last by krikke (May 10, 2017 at 8:57 PM).

  • anyone try the pedal with a cab? Would the tylerhb method work?

    Yes it is possible. Keep in mind that the effect will only work in a stereo setup. So you would need an external stereo power amp and a stereo cab. However the effect will be much better when using two separated cabs when you are positioned inside the stereo field. I could think of these two setups:

    - while feeding the cab signal to the main outs, use the monitor out to connect the mimiq mono in. Stereo mimiq out to both poweramp inputs. This will result in the KPA effects beeing mono only.
    - turning off the cab section and using stereo main outs to the stereo mimiq ins. Stereo mimiq outs to poweramp inputs. This will result in losing the FOH signal with the cab on.

  • Now that the direct output is used for the mimiq, I have a little prob with the output for my Yamaha's DXR12...
    Master L & R are used for the FOH, and before the mimiq, monitor out and direct out were used to feed the Yamaha's L & R...
    I presume I have to use some kind of signal splitter on the main ou L & R to connect the Yamaha's...
    What kind of splitter should I get?
    Thanks for the help! ;)

  • Why are you not using the 'SEND' output to the mimic?

    "send" is "direct output"...
    I was thinking about another problem...
    Main out is on -15dB wich is ok for the FOH... but when using the Direct out and monitor out (stereo) they were on about -3dB to feed the Yamaha DXR12 on a acceptable volume....
    If I use a splitter on main out, the -15dB will cause a significant volume loss for the Yams... which volume pot is on 1 o clock now... ;(
    Yes I know, we are producing a lot of noise... :D

  • Either use the Main out TS outputs for your monitoring or get an active splitter for XLR.

    Another cool option would be to get a used Behringer DEQ2496. You could connect it with SPDIF to the KPA and from there use XLR to connect your monitors. In addition with an RTA mic this will get you a very nice automatic EQ calibration system which might improve your monitoring a lot. Before i went IEM i used this a lot with great success. I had a number of presets with different EQ curves simply chose the best preset yout each venue.

  • "send" is "direct output"...I was thinking about another problem...
    Main out is on -15dB wich is ok for the FOH... but when using the Direct out and monitor out (stereo) they were on about -3dB to feed the Yamaha DXR12 on a acceptable volume....
    If I use a splitter on main out, the -15dB will cause a significant volume loss for the Yams... which volume pot is on 1 o clock now... ;(
    Yes I know, we are producing a lot of noise... :D

    According to the manual, you can also use it as external loop send:
    Direct Output/Send
    This carries the direct output signal in glorious mono. The main purpose for this output is to feed signals
    into the reference amp while profiling. But it can do more than just that: you can also use the
    DIRECT OUTPUT in combination with the RETURN INPUT to create an effects loop. In this case, the
    DIRECT OUTPUT becomes a mono send.

  • I bought one of these and tried it out. It is quite pointless if you have only one Kemper. There is no point using it in mono based on my experience. Think about it, would you feed two signals into the Kemper using a Y-cable?

    But for someone like @ashtweth with two Kempers, it will be quite killer.

    Here's a track I recorded using the Mimiq into two amps. There was very little phasing that I could tell. Keep in mind all instruments except for the drums were played at once, i.e. the guitar into two amps, the bass via guitar, and the synth, in one shot, one take.

    It's not Kemper tone, but should give you a good idea of how the Mimiq sounds in a "live" setting with no cutting up of the audio.

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  • I bought one of these and tried it out. It is quite pointless if you have only one Kemper. There is no point using it in mono based on my experience. Think about it, would you feed two signals into the Kemper using a Y-cable?

    But for someone like @ashtweth with two Kempers, it will be quite killer.

    Here's a track I recorded using the Mimiq into two amps. There was very little phasing that I could tell. Keep in mind all instruments except for the drums were played at once, i.e. the guitar into two amps, the bass via guitar, and the synth, in one shot, one take.

    It's not Kemper tone, but should give you a good idea of how the Mimiq sounds in a "live" setting with no cutting up of the audio.

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    Why do you not simply use the mimiq in stereo with your Kemper? Activate the Stereo Loop in the "x" slot und run both outs of the mimiq into the Return and Alternative Input of the KPA. Even the Reverb and Delay after the mimiq will remain stereo... I use this setup for all my sounds when rehearsing or playing live...

  • @nightlight AJ you MOFO your Back! WB!.

    Okay here is a sneak peak at the 2 kempers, i just got my second mission cab

    First photo

    2 kemper remotes, 2 Stereo FRFR misson cabs
    4 mission KPA pedals, (have 2 more for the 2nd remote just not hooked up yet)
    one Morley ABY switch and a kemper non powered rack

    [Blocked Image:]

    2nd photo

    Ditto X4 Stereo looper
    2nd kemper (non powered toaster)

    [Blocked Image:]

    More to come will post ways to use both and how to hook up soon brother, thanks for the heads up and post :)


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Hot damn, that does look like it'll bring the house down. How do you cart it around for gigs and practices?

  • Why do you not simply use the mimiq in stereo with your Kemper? Activate the Stereo Loop in the "x" slot und run both outs of the mimiq into the Return and Alternative Input of the KPA. Even the Reverb and Delay after the mimiq will remain stereo... I use this setup for all my sounds when rehearsing or playing live...

    Ah, I'm not sure that's the best way to use the Mimiq, Tyler. Ideally, you want it right after your guitar without any effects or distortion to mess up your tracking. That's why I would want to have two Kempers and not one.

    In case you want to do this kind of ADT with just one amp, I'd recommend looking into the Strymon Deco. That thing sounds great, it was just double the price of the Mimiq and had more features than the ADT I needed.

    At any rate, it's a moot point for me at the moment: Traded away my Kemper for a couple of amps, trying to save up money for another one, but I need to buy a nice set of acoustic drums first.

    I keep hearing tell that Kemper is going to come out with a floorboard version, that will be my top choice if it comes through.

    Like the Rolling Stones song, "Time is on my side".

  • Ah, I'm not sure that's the best way to use the Mimiq, Tyler. Ideally, you want it right after your guitar without any effects or distortion to mess up your tracking. That's why I would want to have two Kempers and not one.

    In case you want to do this kind of ADT with just one amp, I'd recommend looking into the Strymon Deco. That thing sounds great, it was just double the price of the Mimiq and had more features than the ADT I needed.

    At any rate, it's a moot point for me at the moment: Traded away my Kemper for a couple of amps, trying to save up money for another one, but I need to buy a nice set of acoustic drums first.

    I keep hearing tell that Kemper is going to come out with a floorboard version, that will be my top choice if it comes through.

    Like the Rolling Stones song, "Time is on my side".

    You are wrong here, it is meant to be put inside the fx loop after the preamp... Putting it before the amp produces very strange results. Check my audio samples using the Kemper and the mimiq:

    TC Mimiq and Kemper

  • You are wrong here, it is meant to be put inside the fx loop after the preamp... Putting it before the amp produces very strange results. Check my audio samples using the Kemper and the mimiq:
    TC Mimiq and Kemper

    I would not use this pedal with one amp. You'll notice the stereo output on the pedal. The idea is to feed two amps rather than one, as I'm pretty sure there aren't a lot of amps with a stereo FX loop. Try using that instead of feeding a doubled signal on the same output. That's what causes the phasing. If you run the pedal in a stereo setup, it sounds pretty damn good too, much better than sending a delayed and modulated signal along with a dry signal into a single amp.

  • Hi AJ/ALL How do you cart it around for gigs and practices?
    I get the woman to cart it around, i am too busy with beer

    okay its a trolley (all fits on perfect), thanks for ruining my rock star fantasy man


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.