Been getting a very annoying buzz when playing live

  • I don't get it when at home and I never had it til the last couple of gigs. Its an annoying thin-straight line sounding buzz that gets louder with
    more high treble rigs such as acoustic rigs, and really gets amplified in the FOH mains. (I use more stage vol. with a low signal to the PA mains)

    I use a Furman Power Factor Pro (the old gray w/red sides version), and a Gibson-like guitar with split coils.
    I use the guitar mostly blended to single coil, and honestly, when I blend more toward the full humbucker, the buzz is drastically reduced.
    So it could very well be single coil hum, but why is it appearing now? Why not the previous months? Its the same setup I've always used.
    So I'm not 100% convinced its the single coils. Or only the single coils. I'm gonna check it out this afternoon and see what I can track down as the culprit.

    A few questions . . .

    I read on this forum something about certain ground switches on the Kemper should be on or off if not being used?
    Maybe I read that if Im only using the monitor out and not using the monitor out ground switch, that the other ground switches should be pressed in? Im a bit confused,lol. Anyone have info on this?

    If I have the Furman Power Factor Pro, would the "Hum-X" unit add additional noise/hum protection? Or does the Furman PFP cover what the Hum-X does already?

    Any other info or help?

  • If it varies depending on single coil and humbucker use, it is definitely the guitar. Nothing to do with the Kemper. Such RF noise depends on the surroundings.

    If you get ground loop hum (present even when no guitar is connected), you could try the ground lift switches on the back of the Kemper. No point in trying switches for outputs not in use.

  • It does diminish a bit when I move position in a circle.
    It goes away when turning guitar vol. off.
    It also does seem to dissapear when I blend in the full humbucker. So it seems like a single coil related hum(buzz).
    I wonder why now though? As I mentioned, I never used to get it previously (same guitar/settings).
    Maybe I should check my guitars shielding inside for any issues?

  • Some thought:

    do you rehears\ perform always in the same place? The electric conditions might have changed, a new washing machine might have been installed next door and the like...

    It might also depend on a cable that's starting to break so that the shield is going...

    Does it happen even when you palm-mute the strings and don't play at all?

    As for Ground Lift buttons, the rule is that at least one should be not pressed (that is, the ground connection is not lifted\cut in order to keep at least a ground point for safety reasons).
    With this in mind, when you use certain outputs you can experiment with lifting some relate grounds and see whether this improves the noise.
    It goes by itself that the noise improves only if it was ground-loop related :)
