SPDIF reamping | returned signal not identical to direct recording

  • Hi all,

    please excuse me if this is a dumb question, but given the following procedure, shouldn't the returned signal be identical to the direct recording?

    • Reset the kemper input to all 0db (clean, distortion, reamp sense)
    • Record guitar to two separate channels via SPDIF L (Git) and SPDIF R (Master Left)
    • Leave channel volume and master out volume in the DAW untouched
    • Set Input to SPDIF Input Reamp
    • Record the right SPDIF channel back to the DAW

    A couple of things seem to have happened on the roundtrip:

    • The tone is slightly different. Not much, just a tad.
    • It has a slightly different gain
    • Signal timing is slightly off

    If I move the reamped signal to match the original signal in timing, I can phase reverse one of the and they almost cancel each other out, but not really.

    Am I doing somethin wrong of is this the expected result?

    Thanks for your help.

  • The timing will be off - the signal has to go through the processing again.

    Check your Reamp sens in the input menu to see if it's at zero (it should be the "opposite" value of the clean sens set for the original DI track - so for clean sens at 3, reamp sens should be set to MINUS 3. Yours is at zero, you say - so the reamp sens should be zero too).

  • thanks for the quick reply. Will double check the reamp sense setting and report back.

    As for the timing: So the basic idea is then to set the KPA to constant latency and compensate for that manually?

    That's what I do :) well, apart from compensating. It should be no more than roughly 5ms. Though I'd do it if I were to blend two profiles.