Hi all,
please excuse me if this is a dumb question, but given the following procedure, shouldn't the returned signal be identical to the direct recording?
- Reset the kemper input to all 0db (clean, distortion, reamp sense)
- Record guitar to two separate channels via SPDIF L (Git) and SPDIF R (Master Left)
- Leave channel volume and master out volume in the DAW untouched
- Set Input to SPDIF Input Reamp
- Record the right SPDIF channel back to the DAW
A couple of things seem to have happened on the roundtrip:
- The tone is slightly different. Not much, just a tad.
- It has a slightly different gain
- Signal timing is slightly off
If I move the reamped signal to match the original signal in timing, I can phase reverse one of the and they almost cancel each other out, but not really.
Am I doing somethin wrong of is this the expected result?
Thanks for your help.