Focusrite support

  • Just a quick note to say how important it is that you get decent support for products. On the one occasion I've contacted Kemper it was impressive and I just wanted to give a positive shout for Focusrite.

    I've had the Sapphire pro 24 for a few years now and it's always behaved perfectly. The only thing I don't like is the mix control software - there is nothing wrong with it other than I am just plain too stupid to understand how to use it ;)

    In the last couple of weeks I updated it to the latest version. I also had a new version of Studio One as a free update and popped that on. And I'm on Windows 10 so I really do not know how often that thing is applying updates.

    In short, I was having issues but I had no clue if it was a setting in Windows, mix control or Studio one. I called the UK based tech support for Focusrite. A very nice guy answered and, after taking over my computer from a remote program, fixed my issue..... An absolute star. It was actually a Windows setting! Keep in mind I've had no problems with the interface so it's possible that it was a Windows update issue that had reset a default sample rate inappropriately.

    I thought I'd share because, with any equipment we buy, we always focus on the sound quality / the features etc. Ultimately, the most important aspect of any technology based product you buy is that your press the 'on' button and it works. If it doesn't, you need the confidence that the company are going to

    a) care
    b) sort it out

    Focusrite certainly delivered today.



  • Some of you may know that I was having issues with my Saffire and that it took a long time to get it settled, etc.

    Well, I contacted the President of the American branch (it's a UK company I think) and he got back to me within an hour and put a guy on it who handled the whole thing. What happened was I had the Saffire fixed finally, but it came back in February more broken than when I sent it off (gain knob not working, input one low volume) and Tech Support told me I had to submit a new tech ticket. I was furious and went up the chain of command.

    Well those upper Admin got on it, said "send that unit back and we'll upgrade you to a new Saffire 26".
    So they are giving me 2x the unit that broke (4 inputs instead of 2) and I didn't ask for that, they offered it as a "thank you for putting up with this, we want you to be satisfied" gesture.

    So I think there are some parts of a large company where their service can be lacking, but if you go up the chain (because those upper admin got there being very proactive individuals) you can find where the heart of a company is. I was surprised they took the time to contact me directly and get it squared away, because they really cared to settle the matter.

    In the end, I think Focusrite came through, and that's how you judge a company, how they fix their problems, not that they have them, which is only a natural occurrence from time to time.

    Same with Tropical Tuner. I was frustrated that some tuners were breaking and I didn't use it much, but 2 people got back with me within a day and said they'd replace them and explained their evolution as a company with a unique and improving product. Thumbs up for them too!

  • Some of you may know that I was having issues with my Saffire and that it took a long time to get it settled, etc.

    Well, I contacted the President of the American branch (it's a UK company I think) and he got back to me within an hour and put a guy on it who handled the whole thing. What happened was I had the Saffire fixed finally, but it came back in February more broken than when I sent it off (gain knob not working, input one low volume) and Tech Support told me I had to submit a new tech ticket. I was furious and went up the chain of command.

    Well those upper Admin got on it, said "send that unit back and we'll upgrade you to a new Saffire 26".
    So they are giving me 2x the unit that broke (4 inputs instead of 2) and I didn't ask for that, they offered it as a "thank you for putting up with this, we want you to be satisfied" gesture.

    So I think there are some parts of a large company where their service can be lacking, but if you go up the chain (because those upper admin got there being very proactive individuals) you can find where the heart of a company is. I was surprised they took the time to contact me directly and get it squared away, because they really cared to settle the matter.

    In the end, I think Focusrite came through, and that's how you judge a company, how they fix their problems, not that they have them, which is only a natural occurrence from time to time.

    Same with Tropical Tuner. I was frustrated that some tuners were breaking and I didn't use it much, but 2 people got back with me within a day and said they'd replace them and explained their evolution as a company with a unique and improving product. Thumbs up for them too!

    Exactly this :) Often when you have problems with a unit, it's an opportunity for the company to shine and leave a better impression than they could have if the unit worked flawlessly. Kinda strange, but there it is :)

  • I've seen this on Craigslist. You have an item that had a problem you didn't know about, or vice versa, and you have to deal with the person to do the return. In then end, you see them again for another item and you realize that if you'd not been cool to deal with, they would have passed by your sale and you'd never have known about it.

    Or as a boss once told me years ago "When you misbehave, no one tells you. You just don't get invited to the party. Often you never know there was a party."
