Headphone Space on main outs with Straight Main Out (un-effected) from Direct Out.

  • Would be great to be able to send the monitor out to an FX return on a combo (or pwer out to cab), the direct out to FOH for the main mix, and the main outs to the board for monitoring the the guitar player's ears.

    Guitar player will be much more compfortable monitoring the headphone space effected signal, since it will sound more like an amp on stage, but I want the true mic'ed profile signal in the mains, not the headophone space one.

    I know I can do this by running a line from the headphone out to a stereo channel on the monitor console, and using that for the guitar player's ears, but we all know that's a crude hack. With all the functionality, power, and i/o on this thing, that would be a great feature to have.

    Heck, even a mono version of headphone space from the direct out would do it for me.