So I bought an Axe Fx Ax8 and I have been profiling my preset as I make them...

  • Regardless how long it takes or who's twisting the knobs, the video demonstrates that the Axe's algorithms are capable of replicating at least some of the Kemper's profiles, and Michael Wagener's at that! Wow.

    Well, for anything to be meaningful to the average individual who doesn't have exceptional personal skills at matching tone, the tool has to deliver without relying 90% on the individual's skill. This video doesn't mean very much to most AXE II users, who are unable to use tone match. If you don't believe check this out.

    This individual (VaiSatchAtrucci), using the Eleven Rack, tone matched the AXE and his clips sounded pretty much the same or better than the AXE in the gear page. It was an Eleven Rack VS AXE FX Challenge thread. The person making the clip (Scott P), removed his clip a few days after the Eleven R clip was posted because based on that thread alone, for AmP modeling, Eleven Rack was demonstrated to be the same or better by many who listened to both clips.

    So yes exceptional personal skills sure can make the AXE FX or any machine sound way better than what the average person will be able to get. Kemper is different as for the most part anyone with an SM57 can make profiles and to profile modelers, you don't even need a mic, anyone can do it or you can download good profiles from the get go.

    Here's a link to the thread where you can still hear the ELeven RAck clip while the AXE FX clip was removed as it couldn't compete (clearly because it was and still is surrounded by too much hype, don't mean to hurt anybody's feelings but that's the truth) (look at post number 354 if you have a few minutes to kill)…e.759127/page-5

    Here's the link to the Eleven Rack clip that won the challenge against the AXE FX (at a fraction of the cost, so attributing so much hype to the price of the AXE is very valid)…&songID=9520313

    Edited 2 times, last by Dean_R (March 9, 2016 at 12:59 AM).

  • Well, for anything to be meaningful to the average individual who doesn't have exceptional personal skills at matching tone, the tool has to deliver without relying 90% on the individual's skill. This video doesn't mean very much to most AXE II users, who are unable to use tone match. If you don't believe check this out.

    You originally wrote:

    "Oh believe me the ingredients in the AXE II algorithms are definitely inferior, I've yet to hear anything from the Fractal Camp that remotely resembles the realism in this one of many Kemper clips. I know deadpan has great ears, but the AX8 will never ever sound like this because it doesn't have the ingredients (good enough algorithms to match the Kemper)"

    The bottom line is, the Axe II's algorithms aren't inferior if you know what you're doing. Even if 90% of users didn't know how to program the thing, it wouldn't change that fact. What percentage of Kemper users can create profiles in the same league as Michael Wagener or Guido Birkenstock? It's independent of whether that level of quality is possible.

  • @ColdFrixion Just go watch the MP Black Knight clip I posted. Once you do, it all makes a lot more sense!

    Wow, it does make a lot of sense, that black night did build a whole lot of reputation based on hype and refusing to accept reality, reminds me of some of the vulgar Riff Raff who rely on personal attacks to defend their emotional attachment to a machine even when they clearly know that their machine has been surpassed by more advanced technology in an attempt to justify their purchase emotionally. ;)

  • Yes, accuse someone of personal attacks by calling them vulgar riff raff. Bottom line Dean is that you could not identify which audio was which while touting your golden ears. I find it somewhat ironic that I was actually able to. As I have both machines and don't feel that either of them is inferior I have no idea what point you are trying to make in the rest of your post.

    Edited once, last by SwAn1 (March 9, 2016 at 2:28 AM).

  • Yes, accuse someone of personal attacks by calling them vulgar riff raff. Bottom line Dean is that you could not identify which audio was which while touting your golden ears. I find it somewhat ironic that I was actually able to. As I have both machines and don't feel that either of them is inferior I have no idea what point you are trying to make in the rest of your post.

    Who cares what I could identify or not identify (So KPA accuracy fooled me), but the whole world knows beyond the shadow of a doubt and it has been established to everyone that KPA is more accurate in modeling tube amps, yet, some still insist that their AXE II or fractal modeling is just as accurate, when the AXE II original design wasn't even about accuracy. So it does sound good to some, but the AXE II doesn't sound good to me, and if it did I would have bought it. Why is that even upsetting to anyone is down right retarded if you ask me.

    I will never be upset (and shouldn't be) if anyone says Eleven Rack, Pod, Black Star Amps, Marshall ,fender or KPA all sound terrible. I own many of their products, but I don't consider that a personal insult to me. But I guess the some AXE II owners feel extra special, well , those few nut jobs are not, and it's time they realized that it's not Sacrilege to say the AXE II sounds terrible.

    Believe it or not, many players think the AXE II amp models sound harsh and non musical, but they don't say it due to what goes on, a nut job all the sudden pops up requesting credentials and poking fun. So I won't recommend the AXE FX II, I don't like their deceptive marketing and it's a major turn off to me and many folks who even on image alone never wanted to be associated with Fractal. Just look around on other boards and you will hear the jokes about getting banned from fractal forum for silly stuff and similar nonsense, but some will never grow up and they always view this as someone putting down their shiny new toy. I'ts not about that, it's about recommending the right tool and how can anyone recommend the AXE FX for amp modeling over the KPA with a straight face is ludicrous.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (March 9, 2016 at 4:01 AM).

  • So now I am apparently retarded and a nut job too for calling out the fact that your rhetoric doesn't match your ability to actually tell the difference in the audio between the two?

    No that's not directed at you and you know it. The nut job is the one who wants credentials and he doesn't own a KPA but he's been salivating over the AC20 profile for years now (since the KPA release in 2012). Explain that with something other than Enigma or nut job. I read his posts at the gear page and I know who most of the crazies are.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (March 9, 2016 at 4:03 AM).

  • Thanks for clarifying. Was relieved to find out I'm not a nut job after all. So, just retarded then? (Before you write another post, I'm just joking with you now! And I can agree with you that there are some with strongly help opinions on TGP). Now I don't know where in the world you are but it is time for me get some sleep so have a good day or evening whatever the case may be.

  • I can just see a certain someone frothing at mouth hunched over his keyboard editing every lunatic post over and over. have some serious issues. A reality check is in order. Your fan boyism is beyond normal. You make Nicolas Rivera at TGP look sane by comparison.

    You posted a thread from 2010 to prove the axe was inferior? Do you know what year the Axe II came out? 2011. That was an Ultra in that thread and you knew it. You're so hopeless you resort to deception. You work for Kemper?

    You can't tell the difference between some clips so you state it's because the user was so good and the device had nothing to do with it? That guy easily nailed some expert profiles. You want me to match every amp to prove to you a forum idiot that the device capable? I don't think so homey. The fact that it is on touring rigs of MAJOR players doing arenas is enough to prove that

    Did you know the average user makes crap profiles? There's thousands on the profile site. Just god awful stuff. That's why the pros can charge money. See anybody selling Axe patches? No? That's because it sounds great in the hands of anyone who turns it on provided they can actually play unlike ......never mind.

    Good lord man...get some help. You have no clue how normal people view your fanaticism do you?

    Edited 2 times, last by zentman (March 9, 2016 at 5:16 AM).

  • It oscillates between the two extremes, and that makes it more fun to watch IMHO, Netheravon. ;)

    Gettin low on popcorn............hold them thoughts....BRB. <X

    Got a whole pantry full of it, ITTO. If you can hold out I'll priority-post you a few kgs. :D

  • I think we'll call you the black night! LOL You don't own a Kemper, but you love that AC20 profile based on my recollection from some of your posts on the gear page.

    Best of all, you're only here in this forum to defend the honor of the AXE FX/Fractal and not because you own a KPA, that's freaking awesome dude, I'm smiling from ear to ear and my belling is bouncing as I giggle with laughter thinking about how crazy that is, .

    O yeah, that's very normal, clearly it's abnormal not to warship the AXE FX/Fractal; twilight zone theme playing while the bird in the Cuckoo Clock pops out every time you make a post and not on the hour.. ha ha ha. You won't see me at Fractal Forum, I don't own their products LOL. Keep'm coming brother, , the folks here are stocking up on the pop corn. We just need to warn any new onlookers not to choke on the pop corn based on how unexpectedly hilariously funny you are . I love you man!! :D:) We need better smilies in this forum

    Thank you for making my day, I'm still laughing every time I remember how hilarious this is.

    Edited 3 times, last by Dean_R (March 10, 2016 at 2:37 AM).

  • Getting a bit too personal guys.

    Back on topic. Here is a clip of the Marshall at different gain stages.

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  • This could have been an interesting thread, but once again has descended into the realms of name-calling. A shame.

    Yeah, sadly a certain Kemper user is on a 'mission' (as to what I don't know) as he is repeating the same over and over in several threads, and has been doing so for about 6 months, since he has entered this forum.
    And yes, again, this is directed at you @Dean_R, like I said before, you sound like a broken record.
    Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but it really gets redundant you know.

    What bothers me most is that this all happens in the open part of the forum where John Doe surely must get the impression that Kemper users behave like immature brats.
    My props to you @deadpan for your constant efforts to keep this thread on topic.
    And apologies to you @zentman, you came here for a constructive discussion, and I know you're not ill- minded.

  • Yeah, sadly a certain Kemper user is on a 'mission' (as to what I don't know) as he is repeating the same over and over in several threads, and has been doing so for about 6 months, since he has entered this forum.
    And yes, again, this is directed at you @Dean_R, like I said before, you sound like a broken record.
    Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but it really gets redundant you know, just hang in there Ingolf.

    What bothers me most is that this all happens in the open part of the forum where John Doe surely must get the impression that Kemper users behave like immature brats.
    My props to you @deadpan for your constant efforts to keep this thread on topic.
    And apologies to you @zentman, you came here for a constructive discussion, and I know you're not ill- minded.

    Clearly the reason I repeat myself is because, some including you, are unable to get it. There's no shame in that, you can reread and a light bulb might light up and then, what you refer to as broken record would make a lot of sense, don't hit yourself in the head then, everyone has limitations that they have to live with. You'll get it someday, just hang in there Ingolf.