So I bought an Axe Fx Ax8 and I have been profiling my preset as I make them...

  • Come on now. No reason to turn it into something it's not.
    I am just giving a bit of advice from what I have learned.

    When things end up like this thread. The back and forth, getting nowhere, sometimes arguments and
    I have found that sometimes it is best to just stop following a thread then you don't know what's being said so you won't feel the need to have a come back. or care anymore. You just let it go.

    But hey, if that's what you enjoy, have at it.

    I will still work my jobs with my finger, but I just can't play for a while.
    I thought the slide comment he said was pretty funny.

    The back and forth does get a bit monotonous.

    Surely not the reason I started this thread.

    I am here for documentation and investigation. We can keep it clean and interesting I am sure.

  • Oh believe me the ingredients in the AXE II algorithms are definitely inferior, I've yet to hear anything from the Fractal Camp that remotely resembles the realism in this one of many Kemper clips. I know deadpan has great ears, but the AX8 will never ever sound like this because it doesn't have the ingredients (good enough algorithms to match the Kemper), again this a Bognar XTC and it's found in the AX8. You know very well that you or anyone cannot point me to anything remotely as good, Google the AXE II EURO BLUE MDRN (based on Bogner Ecstasy) and everything you will come up with will sound inferior to this.

    The Kemper is awesome, no question. That's why I own one. I bought it specifically for the authenticity of its amps. It has all of the organic qualities you'd expect, and you don't have to tweak very much (or at all) to get a great tone. That said, I use the Axe in conjunction with the Kemper primarily for its effects and the result is outstanding. They are the perfect complement and a match made in heaven. Together, they're every bit as good as I imagined. The routing capabilities and advanced parameters of the Axe's effects are the perfect complement to the Kemper, and Axe-Edit's GUI makes routing and configuring effects beyond simple. There's no way I could achieve some of the sounds I'm pulling off with the Kemper alone.

  • As I said in that new thread of yours, ColdFrixion, that clip you posted sounded great; it's proof of what you're saying.

    Makes sense no matter how you look at it really - pairing the Kemper's awesome amp-modelling accuracy with state-of-the-art FX, especially in areas where one feels the Kemper's offerings fall short or don't provide enough options, is a no-brainer IMHO, unless one is using the unit for recording only and prefers to apply the fairy dust during mixing. In cases where FX are used pre-cab or amp, obviously what you're doing would be preferential.

    To anyone who gives a toss:
    I'm just sitting back watching the thread and am no longer participating in the fray, as you may have noticed. It is interesting, and I feel Dean and Deadpan have endeavoured to maintain a constructive dialogue, one that I was delighted to participate in until I was side-swiped by what I might describe as a sporadically-transient thorn in the side of civility, one that succeeded in frustrating me through false judgements about me to the point that I posted and subsequently deleted a response that, whilst it may have served to correct the record, wouldn't have contributed anything worthwhile to the cause of the thread.

    I figure it's best to break out the metaphorical popcorn, put my (metaphorical!) feet up and enjoy the entertainment as those who've more headroom to endure the occasional battering continue to explore the subject at hand.

    Nothing to see here. On with the show!

    [Reaches for popcorn and beer... metaphorically speaking...]

  • I find it funny that sometimes one has to repeat the same sentence a hundred times and some will never comprehend.

    The title of this thread says it all. AX8 Patches are being profiled and in case you missed it, it's very hard to tell the difference between the amp or device profiled with the actual profile, because KPA is that good.

    Dean that has only become your contention once you got it wrong. With your self proclaimed "Golden ears" you don't chose the Axe clip for what it was.

  • Ok, in effort to save this thread I will share an awesome Marshall profile.

    Pm me for a link.


    About that AWESOME Marshall profile I mentioned, I recorded a very little clip this morning before heading out the door:

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    I don't play this song and I tune my guitar differently so... :?: Comment please.

  • Dean that has only become your contention once you got it wrong. With your self proclaimed "Golden ears" you don't chose the Axe clip for what it was.

    Why is it that anytime someone says the AXE FX is not good, he has to be personally attacked in attempts to discredit him. If you go back to this thread where I mentioned "Golden ear" (and I stand by it and I chose KPA over AXE II) it was fending off some nut job AXE FX fan boy who did nothing but attack me personally and expected credential from me and anyone who agreed with me, otherwise our opinions have no value.

    You're doing the same thing. So I think the AXE FX II is harsh and non-musical, why is you whole world collapsing and feel that you have to attack me personally. Go ahead say KPA sucks, I bet you dollars to donuts, I will never attack you personally. I stand by my personal opinion and will never recommend the AXE FX II for amp modeling, it's harsh, unnatural , surrounded by hype and way overpriced! Can you live with that without feeling the need to attack me for my personal opinion even though it's different than yours? Clearly you can't! Carry on.

  • When you repeatedly state something that is opinion as forcefully as you have, virtually as fact (for instance I believe you mentioned someplace that you would send people to this thread to show that one is superior over the other) then you should not be surprised to get challenged on it.

  • You know that they're in completely different leagues. Fractal is a small boutique shop whose products can't be found in any major music store because it's part of the branding to create hype and make as little supply as possible so that demand is always higher. Discredit anyone who has negative reviews to keep the image.

    Challenge me all you want, my opinion will remain the same, Fractal, in regards to Amp modeling, is years behind what Kemper has accomplished, they've been playing catch up from the first day KPA was released. Who knows, maybe in another 10 years the tables might turn , but until then, it's truly criminal to recommend Fractal over KPA for amp modeling.

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  • On a more serious note, when I was guessing the Axe vs KPA, I jokingly said that based on the Soundcloud waveforms the one (Axe in this case) looked fuller and more dynamic while the other two (the profiles) seemed smaller and seemed to have less dynamics. I have noticed this in other videos as well in real amp vs profile so it is not an Axe thing. While I would not expect it to be exact it was interesting to note. Based on listening to them I could not tell but if you were to process the profile tracks would they start to break down quicker? By way of example of what I mean, I shoot a lot of video with a DSLR camera. When I compare the footage with more high end cameras that shoot with better codecs, at first glance the SLR footage can often hold its own. However, if you are not careful with the SLR footage as you color correct, add in other elements etc. it can start to break down and not look as good (for instance it can start banding, get some artifacts etc.) Are the profiles capturing less dynamic range or other information, adding compression, doing something else or just creating an optical illusion?

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    Hey, that's kind of cool that one of my profiles was included :D

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    I have the Ax8 which doesn't have tone match. In the video I thought the Axe did a great job with EQ matching but also thought the Kemper was a little more lively.

    Thanks for posting.

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    Thanks for posting, but based on your previous post, you are a man with lots of "Chops" and you, yourself, should be able to demonstrate to us how the AXE can match any amp that you have (if you have any). Then post the results and let us know how long it took you to do the matching.

    This person you linked to might have exceptional skills and might be able to accomplish the same results with a plugin or a pod, meanwhile the rest of the AXE II owners have no prayer in matching anything. I think the later is true because there are no tone matches presets in the fractal forum to speak off.

    I happen to know that you are extremely interested in Morgan AC20 Profile in the KPA, why don't you just buy a KPA and be done with it, the AXE FX II will never match that.

    Otherwise I still don't understand why you chose to torture yourself by not buying the KPA when you really love that Morgan AC20 and could never match it using AXE II. Life is too short buddy! Sell the AXE II and with it you might be able to buy a KPA and FRFR solution to boot.

    Edited 3 times, last by Dean_R (March 8, 2016 at 7:49 PM).