So I bought an Axe Fx Ax8 and I have been profiling my preset as I make them...

  • Understood.

    I can tell you first hand by comparing the Axe preset to the Kemper profile that they feel the same if done right.... Profiling is an art for sure.

    Thank you, deadpan. I appreciate that, mate.

    Sorry Monkey Man but I call BS on this.Dean_R and you are spouting off and a simple
    way to confirm this is to take deadpan up on his offer (that he volunteered). deadpan offered to make it clear which was which but I suspect that if he did a blind test here very few could tell the difference between a Axe direct, the matched KPA profile and the original clip - both in sound or the feel that you are so busy working on ATM.

    Er... I was clearly speculating about feel in playing, SwAn1. Obviously I'd expect the difference in feel to be less than is the case when profiling the POD, simply because the Axe is, if you'll excuse the term, "more realer".

    IMHO you've falsely attributed both intent and content to me, and to that I'm going to respectfully take my turn to call BS, albeit lightheartedly with tongue in check and certainly no malice.

    Besides just because you are that busy to be able to post but not listen to a comparison it doesn't mean all of us are! :)

    Once again, my post/s were not about sound comparisons, but specifically, with the caveat that my speculation was based upon the L6 experience, a prediction that the feel when playing profiles of the Axe would differ from that of the Axe itself. I wasn't predicting a big difference, but a difference nevertheless.

    Now, given what deadpan politely told me in his response, it appears that the difference is negligible and for all intents and purposes insignificant. He did state that matching the sound may take a bit of work, and I agree that profiling does seem to be an art form, but he was clear about the feel.

    Here's what this tells me, assuming deadpan's judgement to be sound: The Axe must be a whole lot "realer" than the POD HD in its playing feel (and sound, no doubt, but that's besides this point) 'cause the Kemper, which is designed to capture the feel of real amps (again, besides the sound), doesn't appear to alter said feel much where it's (the Axe) concerned.

    Hope that made sense mate, and sorry for the verbosity employed.

    Edit: Monkey Man I'm putting my hopes on you! :)

    And I you, brother!

    ... My issue is that unbridled fanboy statements actually do more harm to the product than help it...

    Mine were qualified and I also openly admitted my fanboi status, jokingly of course; I just love my Kemper. I can't see how this would have done the Kemper cause any harm. Quite the contrary in fact.

    When someone who admits that his opposition to a product is apparently based on watching YouTube clips and then with authority states that the differences between the two products are "day and night" vs your experience with the actual product or statements on a competitors site by a well know and respected jazz musician who sold his KPA for a competing product, it makes the fanboy stuff look foolish.

    I didn't think Dean (who's played both, I think) or I claimed they were night and day based on clips.

    In fact, I've never said they were night and day 'cause I've not played an Axe, and by your (and my) logic it'd be grossly irresponsible to make such a claim based upon PooToob clips alone. I'm 100% sure you'll agree.

    ... Some however seem to take every opportunity to bash everything that is not KPA and anyone else's experience with competing products and probably because of your open and honest posts here it just bugged me tonight that people would be so willfully close minded.

    It'd bug me too, but honestly I didn't think this was happening. Perhaps I missed a post as I've been away for a couple o' days. I agree that if this were the case, nothing could be gained from it except perhaps a laugh.

    Should I have said everything I said? No, and for that I offer A more sincere apology than my last one but I don't regret the conversation (such as it was).

    I neither!

    Faith restored. I've said this before on this forum, but I love apologising and seeing others do so. The former speeds up my personal growth, and the latter gives me hope and inspiration as I simply love to see people learn, improve themselves and become happier.

    Thanks for at least, as you implied, having the guts to call folks out on their BS, SwAn1; I obviously feel your good intentions were a little misplaced when it came to yours truly, but I admire the sentiment for sure!

    Cheers mate.

    PS: Thank you deadpan for posting those clips!

  • Haha! Ummmm. :saint:

    Ok, so I wasn't sure I wanted to post this as the EQ difference is my fault, I overshot refining and didn't notice until I had it upped, unfortunately I have not been saving the Axe presets. I figured once the Axe's firmware is updated then I will start building.

    Here is a direct comparison of the 2. Outside of the EQ difference can anyone tell which is which?

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  • @ Monkey_Man Thanks for the follow up. Water under the bridge but only the first comment was in relation to what you had said and I am happy to stand corrected.

    @ deadpan Love the examples! I have not tried to profile my Axe - would you mind sharing some of what you are learning about profiling it?

  • Many times the initial Kemper profile before refining is much brighter than the Axe preset.

    Just refining gets it close but as I mentioned prior increasing the bass and mids on the Axe while refining tricks the Kemper and if done just right it is very hard to tell a difference between the Axe and Kemper.

    In the example above the Kemper profile is second. I thought I had hit the balance though after listening back I noticed I had overshot by quite a bit.

    @SwAn1 What you play during refining is important as is your ability to notice where the profile fails the match. The Kemper really is listening, if you find an area that doesn't sound right keep playing that, stop refining and check, still an issue, do it again. If after a few times it doesn't fix itself I will exaggerate the Axe settings and refine, if I over shoot I will set the Axe settings back and play the same style in brief refining periods, checking where it is at after each. I find the low end and palm mutes the trickiest to get right. I like to refine with high and low notes, some single notes but many 3 or 4 note chords.

  • Note I have only played the Vox on modelers so I have not direct experience with them.

    I was chatting with a guy who said he really liked John Scofield's tone on Uberjam. I am completely unfamiliar with this but he sent a link to a YouTube video so I attempted to match the tone.

    Here is what I came up with. The riffs are again off the cuff.

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    edit: this is profile of the preset.

  • OK so I finally had some little time, reached out to one of one of the guitars that had the freshest set of strings ( a strat) and made a quick clip (noodling) using one of my favorite Kemper profiles to briefly hopefully show why from my personal experience the Kemper was a night and day difference better than any other modeler. Initially the difference might seem very little even when using Eleven, POD, AXE FX or any other modeler, but I quickly realized there was a huge difference in playablilty and realism.
    Call it fan boy or whatever but my honest experience was that I couldn't get the same dynamic or sound from the AXE FX II, so putting money aside, the KPA simply worked better for me. I'm sure others could have the opposite experience but that doesn't prove anything. All I'm saying is that in my personal experience, the Kemper was simply way better by a long shot than any modeler. It's an opinion, clearly, and not stated as a fact, but I have my good reasons!

    In the profile below, I can get relatively very decent clean, terrific edge of break (The AXE was really bad in the edge of breakup) and then extreme high gain all in one profile just by using the volume pot and pick attack (soft for clean and harder to break up).

    Please feel free to download the DI track and Re-amp using the AXE FX amp model, preferably the XTC model so we might be able to compare apples to apples. You might show me that it was my limitation that didn't allow me to get similar results from the AXE. If you get a close sound, I would appreciate the AXE FX patch, as I'm visiting a friend who has AX8 and I can play using this patch and see if it feels the same and who knows I could possibly have a change of heart and next time I'm in the market for a modeler I would consider the AXE.

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    Edited once, last by Dean_R (February 19, 2016 at 3:38 AM).

  • Thanks Dean for the file!

    Here is what I came up with:

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    This is all AX8, no Kemper.

  • Absolutely.

    I'm still learning the Axe, so it's all a learning experience.

    I found it strange how the Kemper kept the volume up on the parts where you lowered the volume to clean up. I attempted to get this with the Axe but wasn't sure how.

    The Axe is supposedly going to have improve cleanup with firmware 2.01 that is coming out in a few weeks.