Kemper OS 4 - Seamless ToneTravelling

  • If I press on 3 buttons at the same time and have an audience member press a fourth random button, can it make it so that my sound comes out of my bass players amp, and at the same time it switches to a bass patch so that my bass player (now playing through my clean profile) automatically gets re-profiled in real time to match his bass playing style?

    Because if not, I'm seriously considering just switching to an AxeFXII XL+. Come on Kemper, it's 2016 already.

    People are asking if something is possible, not criticizing the product. There's no need to be quite so passive aggressive and asinine.

    If people are toting this as a replacement for MIDI CC assignment then it's quite legitimate to wonder whether it can in fact do what MIDI CC allows, the basics include being able to use two or more expression pedals and stomps (most boards do in fact have more than one button or one pedal) to e.g. Control volume and wah, or gain and whammy.

  • Is the blend absolute or relative? Can you make two "targets" for two pedals and have them work together?

    I think there is a potential problem with such request .
    Technically one control is lets say 10 at 0 position with first ex.pedal and 5 at zero position on the second ex.pedal.
    From what value the second pedal need to start when the first pedal is at 0 position?
    And what will be value when you max out first pedal and then you will set the second to 0 .
    I hope you see my point.

  • not quite sure I get what you are requesting.
    If you want to controll stuff like gain, volume etc with one pedal each, why not do that?

    Basically that down the road the "morph" workflow becomes the standard way of assignment to any midi pedal/button, and that every assignment becomes a "morph" or snapshot with relative values to they can interact In a stable way. It's just too cool of a workflow and potential to limit to only a single control IMO.

  • I think there is a potential problem with such request .
    Technically one control is lets say 10 at 0 position with first ex.pedal and 5 at zero position on the second ex.pedal.
    From what value the second pedal need to start when the first pedal is at 0 position?
    And what will be value when you max out first pedal and then you will set the second to 0 .
    I hope did you see my point.

    That's what relative vs absolute target refers to. With relative only the delta's are stored so order isn't important, but the results can be extreme e.g. with Boolean values (on off switches) if two assignments turn something on, both must be disabled before the switch is disabled. With absolute you aim for a target and predefined order takes precedent. Morphs have been around for a long time and most systems deal with multiple parameters and multiple targets, so this stuff has been solved before.

  • If I press on 3 buttons at the same time and have an audience member press a fourth random button, can it make it so that my sound comes out of my bass players amp, and at the same time it switches to a bass patch so that my bass player (now playing through my clean profile) automatically gets re-profiled in real time to match his bass playing style?

    Because if not, I'm seriously considering just switching to an AxeFXII XL+. Come on Kemper, it's 2016 already.


  • I think there is a potential problem with such request .
    Technically one control is lets say 10 at 0 position with first ex.pedal and 5 at zero position on the second ex.pedal.
    From what value the second pedal need to start when the first pedal is at 0 position?
    And what will be value when you max out first pedal and then you will set the second to 0 .
    I hope you see my point.

    Sounds like what is being asked is similar to the way you can use the assigns, on Roland GR/GK products, to switch between functions using the expression pedal location

  • 'Wouldn't the rig x-fade already handle what you need?' : Zappledan

    Not in terms of multiple parameter changes as far as I'm aware Zappledan.

    Take a rig with the parameters set one way and save it. Modify all the parameters you like and "save as" a different name. Set your x-fade as you like it, then switch back and forth between the two rigs ...

    edit: just reread your original post. So just save the two rigs and use the x-fade. Maybe I don't understand what you're wanting. ?(

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Take a rig with the parameters set one way and save it. Modify all the parameters you like and "save as" a different name. Set your x-fade as you like it, then switch back and forth between the two rigs ...

    edit: just reread your original post. So just save the two rigs and use the x-fade. Maybe I don't understand what you're wanting. ?(

    What is X-fade please? ?(