Kemper OS 4 - Seamless ToneTravelling

  • I just thought of another cool use for morphing: Autoswell. On any rig, you could have the rig volume at zero and use the remote to do the autoswell. (there is now another video on Facebook that shows how you can press the selected rig again in either momentary or latching and set morph times, ramping up and down independently! Of course, you'd still have to press the button each time you want to do it to swell, still more discreet and easy than rocking a volume pedal.

    I've been asking for this effect for a couple years now as I use it a a lot, and given that I'm leading worship and singing, I don't want to do the volume pedal dance for swells. I've been using an eventide H9 and a Line6 m5 in the effects loop. The only reason I still have my m5 on the board is because it's awesome autoswell effect, which neither Eventide or Kemper has bothered to address. While it's midi capable, the folks at line 6 didn't think a simple PC # that would turn it on an off would be useful. You can only switch its presets with midi. Therefore, to turn off the m5 with midi, the only thing I can do is leave the pedal on all the time and use a blank preset, that is a preset with the mix set to zero so that it doesn't really do anything to the sound. In other words, constantly subject my entire tone to whatever coloring or latency that the M5 adds. Because of this, I need the Line 6 at my feet, so that I can control it there manually. And because of this, it therefore makes most logical sense to keep everything on my pedal board the kemper, midi board (soon to be replaced by remote) eventide H9, power supply for pedals, all because of the silly m5. Now I can take the m5 off, and put my rig in the closet and just have the remote at my feet.

  • The only reason to keep the H9 is if you like it's effects. To me, it's "morphing" feature kind of makes things sound weirder more than different, lol (but I've only toyed with it for 2 weeks)

    But the KPA's ability to morph between different FX pedals is crazy amazing. Or if there is going to be a second delay or something, adding that to the mix. Like Don mentioned, the openness of this feature has literally an infinite amount of possibilities.

    (For the mathematicians: maybe not "infinite", but certainly more settings than there are protons in the universe)

    Street Slang: ALOT

  • This is absolutely beautiful. I can see myself playing at night for hours with this shimmer reverb as a background and going smoothly into violin-like distortion to let my Strat sing over the chords...
    And this will also help for learning the modes :D !

    Exactly! :)
    As a side note, do you know that you can already get a fixed note bass no matter what you play, by just using the harmonizer? :D

    We use the kemper because it s a réal "picture " of the sound (99,9% the same) BUT if you change a parameter, it s the kemper who changes the sound to obtain something different. But the kemper cannot imitate the behaviour of an amp. So we are coming from a 99,9% real sound to an artifical sound (try a clean mesa recto, change the gain from 1 to 10 and the new sound isn't the same that a rig of a mesa with a big gain...)

    As Paul suggested, choose a distorted sound and clean it. Voilà


  • Yes!

    Adding gain quickly departs from the profiled amp, but starting with gain and dialing back keeps the natural clean tone of the amp very much, which is what I do.

    Often, when choosing a profile to "keep", it'll be a Crunch or Distortion one that I just dial back GAIN to use for a CLEAN rather than keep separate cleans. Unless there are special cleans in their wares (i.e. Britt's Dumbles have special sounding cleans that aren't the same as the cleaned up distortion) so there are exceptions to play with for your own taste.

    But as Don put it, why limit the DIGITAL realm's ability to go stratospherically beyond what the old analog has been delivering for traditional amps? If the sky is the limit, the Kemper Team is putting oysters in the air. Enjoy... or Ignore. Not like we don't have choices.

    This is what I like about the Kemper Team. They allow for the Toggling of many of these new features in case you just want to keep them ON or OFF.

  • The morphing feature has SO many possibilities, other than going from clean to massive overdrive. It is completely understandable why these are the first examples shown, but not so creative, as they sound mushy on video. However, I would love to hear just no change in gain during the morph, but rather a morph between effects only, using a clean sound as the basis. For instance, morphing from a quad pitched delay, with selected intervals, into another quad delay with different intervals. Or, tremolo into rotary, etc.

  • Quote

    thebrushwithin wrote:
    For instance, morphing from a quad pitched delay, with selected intervals, into another quad delay with different intervals. Or, tremolo into rotary, etc.

    In this case you would insert two delays and morph their mix parameter in opposite directions and you're done.

    Yes, I thought it would be that simple! My personal opinion, is that a video showing such morphing, instead of "whisper to a scream", would be more effective in showing the varied possibilities.

  • Exciting stuff, Don, can't wait to try it! Question for you if you don't mind: if you select a new rig in performance mode that has morphing already, does the immediate sound heard go to heel or toe position before you ever move the pedal? Important consideration for live playing. Thanks.

    the original, non-morphed state is in the heel position. this is the state a rig loads,


  • Thanks Don, that's what I was guessing. So just bring pedal to heel position prior to playing, or wait for a pause... (just strategizing).

    the behaviour now is like I said, the 'heel' position (original rig) is loaded.
    should your expression pedal be let's say in the middle position when calling up another rig with a morph,
    this rig will also be loaded in the original (unmorphed) state. The remaining way of the expression pedal to the toe position will cover the full morph. or, 'reset' the expression pedal to heel position (nothing will happen morph-wise) to use the full throw of the expression pedal.
    once the morphed state is reached, the full range of the expression pedal's heel position is used again.

    this sounds much more complicated than it really is. it is basically fool-proof. and parameter-jumping free. :)

  • the behaviour now is like I said, the 'heel' position (original rig) is loaded.
    should your expression pedal be let's say in the middle position when calling up another rig with a morph,
    this rig will also be loaded in the original (unmorphed) state. The remaining way of the expression pedal to the toe position will cover the full morph.
    once the morphed state is reached, the full range of the expression pedal's heel position is used again.

    this sounds much more complicated than it really is. it is basically fool-proof. and parameter-jumping free. :)

    Good thinking there :)

    Maybe in the future there will be the possibility of several "snapshots"(/morphs) along the throw of the pedal... That would be AWESOME! Sorry, EVEN MORE AWESOMER!

    (but the current feature is great as it is!)