The NAMM plot thickens.............

  • What I see in this short vid is the Gain parameter appears to be controlled by an expression pedal. This hits both my happy and sad receptors. Happy, because I spent a good deal of time developing a stand-alone pedal (gain/distortion type) that could migrate from pristine clean to over the top distortion in by simply engaging the pedal in the same manner as a volume pedal. Sad because it kind of negates the need for my pedal research. Think Boston's "Foreplay/Long Time" build-up and you can start to imaging how useful this can be. Or, think of how Jeff Beck so masterfully uses his volume knob. Jeff's rig is set up with gobs of gain but he rarely goes flat out, instead preferring to use the gain to help punctuate the mood of his solos. Using the expression pedal to control the gain allows for a HUGE amount of variable in a single preset. Rather than switching from a clean preset to high gain preset, we would now be able to gain the full range from one profile. Pretty useful stuff!

  • OK forgive me. What is the purpose of having the bass and treble change via a volume pedal? I mean, I can see where gain, depth, modulation and the like is a needed feature, but bass and treble? Maybe its just showing us that "anything" will be able to be controlled by a controller pedal perhaps???

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Maybe "Kristal" for some kind of shimmer reverb, the kind that blends in an octave-up to the wet sound?

    I thought that was an easter egg
    but only in Dutch,Azerbaijani, Basque,Breton and many others it starts from Kris.. but not in German language :/
    So probably I'm wrong.

  • OK forgive me. What is the purpose of having the bass and treble change via a volume pedal? I mean, I can see where gain, depth, modulation and the like is a needed feature, but bass and treble? Maybe its just showing us that "anything" will be able to be controlled by a controller pedal perhaps???

    EQ changes are useful in many ways. If you are doing a solo boost, you may want a little less bass and more mids to make it stand out in the mix without sounding muddy. Many times an EQ that works great for rhythms isn't going to be as good for leads. Or lets say you want to use the same amp but change pickups on your guitar, you may want to tweeze the EQ a bit.

  • Maybe its just showing us that "anything" will be able to be controlled by a controller pedal perhaps???

    This is my guess as well. And hopefully, they will remember those who purchased the remote. From what I read, as far as controlling various parameters within the KPA is concerned, the midi guys are in a much better position at the moment.

  • What I see in this short vid is the Gain parameter appears to be controlled by an expression pedal. This hits both my happy and sad receptors. Happy, because I spent a good deal of time developing a stand-alone pedal (gain/distortion type) that could migrate from pristine clean to over the top distortion in by simply engaging the pedal in the same manner as a volume pedal. Sad because it kind of negates the need for my pedal research. Think Boston's "Foreplay/Long Time" build-up and you can start to imaging how useful this can be. Or, think of how Jeff Beck so masterfully uses his volume knob. Jeff's rig is set up with gobs of gain but he rarely goes flat out, instead preferring to use the gain to help punctuate the mood of his solos. Using the expression pedal to control the gain allows for a HUGE amount of variable in a single preset. Rather than switching from a clean preset to high gain preset, we would now be able to gain the full range from one profile. Pretty useful stuff!

    MIDI CC#72 already allows you to control the gain with an expression pedal, I use it on a number of presets (using a Voodoo Lab Ground Control Pro).

  • The speculation is based on a five second video that contains no explanation. So... yes, I'd imagine it will be.

    There's another video on the Kemper Facebook of a foot stepping on the Remote - I don't know if this is already a thing, but it looks to me like they're adding momentary switching. If you watch, the pedal is showing one setting, the foot comes down and it changes, then it changes back when the foot leaves.

  • I guess I better get my ass in gear, and get me a friggin' Remote. :P:D:D

    Since I am not playing out, these days...I have been able to "slum" it, and get by with just my KPA power rack. The Remote just hasn't been an absolute priority/necessity.

    Yes, it is a pain in the ass to go to the front panel every time I want to change rigs. Not sure why I have been putting it off so long. Probably the fact that they don't grow on trees, and until the relative recent past, there was a not insignificant waiting list / back-order situation.

    Not really any excuse, now, however...except for the darn cost. There is still part of me that balks at spending what amounts to approx. one third of the price of the basic Kemper head, on a foot controller. However, I am sure I can get over this mental hurdle. :thumbup:

    Heck, I am sure the fantastic Looper is almost worth the price of admission, all by itself.

  • The videos leave me a bit underwhelmed. Hoping the reality is greater than the sum of the speculation.

    Not wanting to sound a downer as I do love my KPA .... I kind of agree ........ mutliple CC controlling via an E/Pedal is ok but hardly a "big-ticket" item ..... also " fsw-hold " again is nice but if its just an X/Y type thing or an EFX hold kind of thing, again, its hardly "huge" .....

    Maybe they do things like " rig cross-fading " or something like that ..... I dont know [obviously] ...... but there have been a moutain of things requested in the last 12 - 18 months and none [virtually none] have seen light of day yet.

    Since starting my journey with the Kemper, it has beomce clear to me that the reality is that the development of the Kemper is driven much more by the "Kemper Way" as oppossed to direct user feedback and input ... thats OK too ... its their [awesomely fine] product.

    Either way .... very much looking forward to NAMM announcments ...... I had no idea Pure Cab was coming and its been on " 8 " since Day 1 and I still cant beleive how great everything sounds .... :)


  • The videos leave me a bit underwhelmed. Hoping the reality is greater than the sum of the speculation.

    Keep in mind that the footswitch video was posted on 31st Dec and the pedal alluding to a new effect and multiple control parameters being tweaked at once was put on line yesterday.

    There may be more videos - NAMM isn't until 21st Jan and drip feed social media campaigns are pretty normal these days.

    Even if there aren't more, this is still 3 different things:

    1 Effects (because there is a green LED in a MOD slot which makes me believe that delay is assignable to different slots. That's an often requested feature here as is 'more effects' and the name leads me to believe that there will be 'more effects')

    2 Multiple tweaks to an expression pedal (that's likely from the 2nd video and it's another big one that has been requested many times)

    3 Some other weird thing that will doubtless be cool that was alluded to by the fading LED on the footswitch. I have no clue what that is :)

    So I'm already excited and hopeful. I have asked in the past for multiple tweaks on an FX pedal and delays in any slot / more delays. I've also wanted an editor and spring reverb / more reverbs. Two videos in and it's looking likely that 1/2 of my wishes are coming true plus another thing that I cannot understand yet but may well be useful to me. I'm still hopeful for the other things on my wish list but even if it stops at this for now, the day we get the update will still be a good day in my book :) Of course, everyone's wish list is different but from a selfish point of view, I'm feeling pretty sunny about this :)

  • I still have hope that we will be pleasantly surprised

    Yeah, me too. I was extremely happy to buy my Kemper on its own merits at the time, regardless of what future upgrades might be in the pipeline. Sure, it's maybe not perfect, but then imperfections are often the mother of invention.
    To me as a new user, the upgrades we get are pretty much like someone coming and giving me new gear... for FREE!
    That's so cool! :)