(Solved!) Frozen Kemper Profiler Rack Unit! Please help!

  • Hello there fellow Kemper users,I am hoping that someone can help me diagnose what is going on with my Kemper unit.

    First off, I absolutely love this unit and have had no serious issues with it...until now.

    Granted that I just sent Kemper an e-mail about this issue shortly after it came to my attention, I am hoping I can fix it on my end and that it isn't a serious bug as I have not found anybody else experiencing this issue. I'll be sure to update this with Kemper's response.

    I have attached a photo of what my issue is...frozen at the home screen. It would normally show me what version I am running beneath the "Kemper Profiler" logo, but now it has ceased and stays frozen on this screen no matter what. It hasn't mattered if I turned it to Tuner, Browser, Perform, or Profiler, this is the screen I am stuck looking at. I have turned the Kemper off, and then back on, but still frozen on this screen and to no avail. I have even unplugged the power cord and waited a full hour before trying it again, and this is still the same result. I had a band practice prior to this issue, and everything was fine and dandy, ran it through my Orange cabinet and had an awesome jam. I got home, wanting to record some ideas, and upon startup, this was my issue. This really bums me out, and I hope Kemper has a fix or at least some knowledge about this issue. I've even tried reuploading the firmware from a USB by holding the < & > upon startup, as well as the top left soft button, and they don't change anything. It sucks to say, but I wish this issue were minor and I hope this thing isn't fried after all the time and funds I have saved to be a part of the Kemper family. I should note that the unit powers on and off just fine, but the frozen screen...how do I make it go away?! Has anybody else experienced this issue? :(?(

  • Hey, I have exactly the same problem with my K Powerhead....
    Tried all those procedures and nothing works...it freezes after the bar has been "filled".
    Have you had any succes in fixing the problem?

    Kind regards,
    Peter L