Good evening! Yesterday I was shopping for profiles, first I bought the Silver Jubilee from Jimi and then I was hooked. Then I bought the Plexi Super Lead, also from Jimi. That is probably the best sounding profile pack I own, and is easily worth twice the price! However, after some playing with the Plexi profiles I switched back to the Jub, and I was wondering: where is the bass? I figured that the Jub profiles are great for recording, but not for live use and jamming through my monitor. I use a very unforgiving one, an Atomic CLR. After that I bought no less than three profile packs from Stymphalian: 5150 II/III, Dual Rec and Mark IV. Great sounding profiles, but even the Mark IV, which I have always seen as a rock amp, sounded very metal and they all have this signature sound that make them great for metal, but not so much else. I play lots of metal so it is not like I burned £32 on something I cannot use, but now I am looking for something that can fill the gap between the Plexi and the brutal metal amps... I like the Marshall sound for rock, hard rock and some earlier metal styles so I have narrowed it down to either JCM800 or JCM2000. Kind of a big thread and big deal for 8-10 bucks, right? Well, I am hoping I can get it right so I do not have to buy any more profiles in a while, I spent a lot of money yesterday... I am mainly considering Tonehammer's profiles because I love everything I have tried from Deadlight Studio, but feel free to come with other suggestions! Although, I will appreciate some experiences with the mentioned Tonehammer profiles. Thank you for your time and have a nice evening!
Best Marshall JCM800/2000 profiles for rock sounds
i have JCM 800 profiles from Sinmix, Guido, Premier Profiles, VBerns (VRadStudios), and CiliLab (SoundLab). All of them are great. I honestly couldn't pick my favorite, as I haven't spent a ton of time with them. However, the one that immediately sticks out is VBerns because he's using the 1960 cab with T-75's and it's very raw and bright sounding - perfect fit for that 80's rock type so und. Guido and Cili also offer 1960 cab as well as Mesa, but I'm not sure if Cili's 1960 is loaded with T-75's or V30's - the tag says V30; Guido's have T-75's. I JUST got Guido's so haven't spent a lot of time with it. Premier Profiles I'm a huge fan of in general, but I think he may be getting a more modern sound from it than you'd want. He uses an OD820 vs. the typical OD808, so the boost comes out a bit thicker and less midrange honk.
Maybe a reamp session is in order...
EDIT: here's a similar thread: Marshall JCM 800
The best is very hard to define because everyone hears thing differently and likes different sounds. My Fav JCM800 of all is from TAF in the Marshall pack, I've been using this live for 2 years now. Also the JCM800 from TAF pack 10 is incredible to
obviously you are talking about commercial profiles but there are some TAF profiles which came as a free kemper rig pack so try them first if you like them then maybe invest it the paid ones
Thank you for some really good answers and advice! I see that there are quite a few profile makers with very good discounts, so I might be able to try a few. "Best" is very, very subjective, no doubt about that. I have read about the Marshall pack before, but I could not find it... Just the numbered ones. Regarding speakers and cabs, I tend to really like V30s. One very stereotypical example is Slash, who use V30s without sounding modern imo. Greenbacks are great with the Plexi, but I prefer V30s with the Jub hands down. Not sure if the G12H30 is classified as a Greenback, but it is the perfect crossover between GB and V30 imo. Also works great for heavier styles. I have very limited experience with the T75 so I cannot comment too much on that, but I would certainly like to have a V30 option as well.
It maybe called the British pack or something like that now due to legal reasons. Yes there are some sellers with great Black Friday deals happening at the mo and TAF is one of the
talking of cabs, Tills cab pack which is free is defo worth getting, it gets a lot of love around here and their are plenty of cabs to choose from
Thank you for some really good answers and advice! I see that there are quite a few profile makers with very good discounts, so I might be able to try a few. "Best" is very, very subjective, no doubt about that. I have read about the Marshall pack before, but I could not find it... Just the numbered ones. Regarding speakers and cabs, I tend to really like V30s. One very stereotypical example is Slash, who use V30s without sounding modern imo. Greenbacks are great with the Plexi, but I prefer V30s with the Jub hands down. Not sure if the G12H30 is classified as a Greenback, but it is the perfect crossover between GB and V30 imo. Also works great for heavier styles. I have very limited experience with the T75 so I cannot comment too much on that, but I would certainly like to have a V30 option as well.
Its called the UKGOLD Toolkit. - They are vintage marshalls, (so darker by flavour natrually) however they are designed for live play, so soon as you crank up the volume there all good!. - These also comes with 3 different cabs to chosoe from. here.. 3 Matching cabs captured (Gh25/Gh30/V30) so you cab choose your own variation!. and the amp heads are: - Marshall Heads, JCM800/JTM45/JMPMk2 & 1987x
Hi, You can try my JCM800 KK Pack in January becouse now my store is closed
Marshall JCM800 2203 Kerry King
Mesa Rectifier Horizontal 2x12 [CELESTION VINTAGE 30 SPEAKERS]
Zilla SV 2x12 [V30/G12T75] - January
Hesu Custom 2x12 [Eminence Governor/ Seventy 80] - JanuaryMore Info and few mixes:…troller=product
You can also try my Free Kemper Pack [2 JCM800 profiles included] Fun!
Stay Metal!
I will definitely take a look at the UKGOLD toolkit! Although I only need the JCM800...
Thank you Sinmix! I have your free pack, lots of great stuff in there! -
Its called the UKGOLD Toolkit. -
Well i wasn't close at all
but i had a feeling the name had changed lol
Check out the following:
Both amps are there and there's a 50% black friday sale starting midnight tonight. There's plenty of sound clips too. Make sure to join the email list for a free pack!
Nice! I'm gonna have to check those two out as well. Bought the DSL from Tonehammer and Rockerverb from TAF, really great tones! The DSL was exactly what I am looking for, and the Rockerverb was very nice as well. A different flavour.
Just buy the Guido pack. On sale right now for 3.49 euros. Has v30 and t75. I think thats the best bang for the buck. Cililab is only 5 euro a pack right now too.
The best JCM800: UKgold 800 Hot Mod TAF
*sigh* looks like I'm gonna have to get the Guido profile too...
TAF makes great profiles, but I am a bit concerned that it only contains profiles with Greenback speakers. However, I might grab one now while it is only £3! -
*sigh* looks like I'm gonna have to get the Guido profile too...
TAF makes great profiles, but I am a bit concerned that it only contains profiles with Greenback speakers. However, I might grab one now while it is only £3!You can always change the cab that's with the profile remember
Hmm, I though that was only in the big UKGOLD package? Not with the JCM800 only?
You can swap cab with any profile you want
Try our FREE JCM2000 TSL60 profiles pack!…&product_id=137
Brit2000 TLS60 - Giant Pack (100 Profiles)
Seeking to recreate the sound of a Marshall JCM2000 TSL60Cabinets : Marshall 4x12s loaded with Celestion G12T75, G12M, V30, G12C
Hughes & Kettner 4x12 loaded with Celestion G12M
Custom Audio Amplifiers 4x12 loaded with Celestion Creamback 75
Friedman 4x12 loaded with Celestion V30Mics : Shure SM57, SM7
Sennheiser MD421
Royer R121
Beyerdynamic M160
Neumann U87
AKG C414Boosted with Mesa Grid Slammer
Marshall Bluesbreaker
MXR Berzerker OD
MXR Modified OD
MXR Wylde OD
Protone Attack OD (Misha Mansoor Signature)
Ibanez TS9
Xotic AC BoostDirect and Studio Profiles included
Funny you should say that, I have been browsing and GASing on your profiles all morning
Strongly considering your 1959RR and JCM800KK profile packs, but unfortunately I am not able to afford more than one of them right now. Could you please tell me more about these profiles, and their most important differences? I know they are totally different amps but, yeah... For the record, I already have a very good Plexi pack and a JCM2000 pack that I really like, and I want as much diversity as I can get. And I will of course check out your TSL package, sounds really great from the clips!PS: I cannot get your 20% off code to work, is there something wrong or am I doing something wrong?