DI Box Millennium DI-E for DI-Profiles..

  • Hi,

    did you notice, that this DI-Box (millennium DI-E) has differences in sound, when using "Speaker" or "Instrument" Mode?
    The manual says, that the Speaker-Mode is just a -40dB pad. No Speaker-Simulation!

    I made a bunch of DI-Profiles with this Box in "Speaker"-Mode... all seems fine, but when playing these profiles over a Guitar-Cab, they don´t sound like when playing the original amp over the same cabinet. They sound more dull and weak than the original amp.

    BUT: This DI-Box takes much level in "Instrument" mode. So I got very good results when using it in Instrument-Mode.. your amp can not turned up VERY loud and the input-Setting on the KPA has to be really low (I used around -20dB) - but it works, without distortion that comes from this box.
