Problem with a Clean Direct-Profile

  • Hi,

    another problem with profiling:
    I want to make a Direct-Profile of my Clean Boogie Mark IV. All the Drive-Channels/Dirty Direct-Profiles worked perfectly. Just the clean channel won´t work:

    The clean profile ends up being VERY loud - so the Output-LED lights red all the time when playing this new profile - and the profile does´t sound like the amp at all. When comparing to the Amp (at the page, where you could refine profile), the reference amp sounds OK, but the profile is at least 5 times louder and sounding much more dull.

    I tried it with a loud Amp and Low Input on the KPA - or with a low Amp and high input-setting at the KPA. erverytime the same problem.
    I tried the "clean" and the "distorted" buttons. when using "distorted" the KPA says "A clean amp was profiled successfully..." - but same problem with the profile
    I use the "No Cabinet"- mode.
    I use a Millennium DI-E as DI-Box. While profiling the second noise of the process seems very loud - but its clean, so maby that´s ok.

    The Mark IV has a "Slave Out" - which is a Line-Level output that captures the sound of the whole amp including power amp (at least boogie writes this in its manual). Using this output gives the same strange behavior. So at some point the KPA doesn't set the level of the profile correctly.
    This clean-channel of the boogie has LOTS of headroom. You can´t get it to break up.... is this a problem for the kpa?

    by the way: i couldn´t tell the difference between 2 direct profiles, one made with the di-box on speaker out and one made with the slave-out of the boogie. So it seems that this is perfect for making di-profiles :) .
