• Ah good advices! The search goes on still:) The latest idea i had, is that in my parents yard there is an 150+ year old wild cherry tree that was cut down so only the stem is left.
    Its maybe 10-15ft in circumference and 6-10 ft tall and has much history in it.

    All the family has been playing in that tree and i thought it wold be very cool to make an guitar out of some of it.
    Been searching the interwebs for tonal qualities and such and it seems that as long the wood is ok for rot it should be doable.

    So maybe Tom Anderson or Suhr accepts outhouse wood:P Kidding
    Better get a luthier closer to me to have a saying about the matter.

    If that doesnt work its back to searching and testing out guitars:)

  • I would get a cut and dry it for a long time. Don't know how long, that is something to look up or ask a luthier.

    But long enough so that it won't warp after making a guitar.

    But you don't have to make the whole guitar out of it. You could do a veneer on the head stock. Or on the front or back. It can still have a stock wood if you wanted a traditional tone, but have the cherry visible.

    While you're at it, whittle a wall mount out of the tree for it too.

  • Good idea db9091:)

    Perhaps not Morty, i`ll have to look into it. If not then maybe i will bring the luthier so he can cut the wood for himself :D
    The wood has to dry for 2 years or something to avoid warping, guess NASA has a bit to learn here... All those years trying to build a efficient propulsion engine and it turns out the could have used wood.. Go figure:)