Has someone recorded with a Friedman profile? Now I did.

  • @sinmix

    yo finally - thank you. Finally a wave, sth to listen to. I did not know that you offer those, too. Ofcourse i am aware of what you do (in the country of my mother who was from Wroclaw/Breslau). This sounds good. I will ponder about it and listen on my Studio monitors, too. But definetely the fizziness, which the real amp does not have is not present here.
    Keep the good work comin, stay metal. ;)

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • @sinmix

    yo finally - thank you. Finally a wave, sth to listen to. I did not know that you offer those, too. Ofcourse i am aware of what you do (in the country of my mother who was from Wroclaw/Breslau). This sounds good. I will ponder about it and listen on my Studio monitors, too. But definetely the fizziness, which the real amp does not have is not present here.
    Keep the good work comin, stay metal. ;)

    Thx Man! dziękuje bardzo! :D I always say how important is the cab and used speakers! Cabs used:

    Mesa Rectifier Horizontal 2x12 [VINTAGE 30 SPEAKERS]
    David Laboga DL212FS-PRO 2X12 [CREAMBACK 65/CELESTION VINTAGE 30 (20 y old) SPEAKERS]
    Mesa Stiletto 2x12 [VINTAGE 30 SPEAKERS]

    Blended speakers and mics profiles :thumbup:

    Stay Metal!

  • Hi,you do not have to buy my profile!. Just some audio sample.. 100% Raw profiles sound. If you know some of my comparison then you know also how close/ or not profiles sounds.

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    Stay Metal!

    SinMix's Friedman profiles are my absolute favorite. I play them all the time at home. Love them!

  • I've been sitting on the fence about purchasing the Sinmix Friedman profiles. They seem to sound a little too "metal" for my taste.

    I can never understand what it means "metal sounding" ? really no offence :D same amp used by many of people and in sinmix hands sounds too metal? Maybe again lets check my cab list and speakers? yes more of them with V30 yes i love sm57, yes some of them are boosted, but also many of cleans crunch without boost included. I think people just think: brighter = metal darker = vintage ?( There is many of amps sounding great in rock and metal style at the same time - even mesa dr or 5150. Just give me a good song no matter rock or black metal and i can do good IMO mix with Friedman :thumbup:

    Stay Metal!

  • I can never understand what it means "metal sounding" ? really no offence :D same amp used by many of people and in sinmix hands sounds too metal? Maybe again lets check my cab list and speakers? yes more of them with V30 yes i love sm57, yes some of them are boosted, but also many of cleans crunch without boost included. I think people just think: brighter = metal darker = vintage ?( There is many of amps sounding great in rock and metal style at the same time - even mesa dr or 5150. Just give me a good song no matter rock or black metal and i can do good IMO mix with Friedman :thumbup:

    Stay Metal!

    I'm glad that you didn't take my comment as an offense. :) I can't quite put my finger on the reason why your profiles sound metal to me. I think that there is more to it than just the brightness or darkness that makes the sound. And I don't think it is about the V30 or the sm57 either. A lots of different sounding music has been made with those. On the other hand, I have found that sometimes a bright sound that sits well in a studio mix, will rip your head off when played with a band with a PA blasting 105dB.

  • I'm glad that you didn't take my comment as an offense. :) I can't quite put my finger on the reason why your profiles sound metal to me. I think that there is more to it than just the brightness or darkness that makes the sound. And I don't think it is about the V30 or the sm57 either. A lots of different sounding music has been made with those. On the other hand, I have found that sometimes a bright sound that sits well in a studio mix, will rip your head off when played with a band with a PA blasting 105dB.

    Don't be worried about the "metal" thing with these profiles. There is a great mix of non boosted and boosted profiles. There are some really good mid gain profiles that I love too. They are my favorite from SinMix so far!

  • Hi,you do not have to buy my profile!. Just some audio sample.. 100% Raw profiles sound. If you know some of my comparison then you know also how close/ or not profiles sounds.

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    Stay Metal!

    Grzegorz, these sound absolutely fantastic! Great job.

    Looks like I have another profile pack to purchase. :thumbup:

  • Don't be worried about the "metal" thing with these profiles. There is a great mix of non boosted and boosted profiles. There are some really good mid gain profiles that I love too. They are my favorite from SinMix so far!

    I agree.

    Grzegorz's (Sinmix) personal taste and style of music is definitely uber metal...and that's totally cool. However, his profiles consist of a wide range of amps, from more traditional (classic) amps all the way to ultra high gain modern amps. So, when you listen to Sinmix profiles of a dynamic, flexible amp, such as the Friedman BE100, you are going to get a wide palette of tones, everything from clean to cream to scream.

    I guess what I am saying, is that I do not feel that Grzegorz's personal preferences in music genre affects or influences the quality of his profiles, one way or another. Certainly, it may inform him on what model amp's he may chose to profile, but so what? If you don't like uber high gain amps, just stay away from those particular profiles. It's all good.

  • All this is true. Really, I do not want this topic to advertise their own profiles, is not the point. However, I would sensitize all how important they are used in the cabinets speakers microphones, and mic pos - This is very important!. I know it - That's why I try to addition to the classic cabs/speakers offer something equally good but different like my DL,Hesu or Zilla cab :D . There are a lot of profiles of the same amp - so they all sound a bit different, but why? Becouse all 5150 Real amps sound different? Hey NO! :D People use different cabs/speakers/mic/mic pos - that's why so IMO at the end its more about cab/speakers/micing skills than used amp. Really on my Mesa Recto cab all amps sounds killer :D David Laboga made for me a cab with combination of Creamback C65/ and 20 y old V30. - Same speakers different sounds DL is more vintage not that aggresice like Recto, Stilletto - hmmm also with v30 but definitely more midrange spunding compared to recto. Hesu - very cold. Zilla a little harsh - long story :D At the end you need to decide what cab what mic and mic pos use with some amps. I know people now excited merged profiles but again hey - its still lottery sometimes works sometimes no - becouse for me all its connected Amp Setting > cab /speaker/mic pos. Uffff... Anyway

    Stay Metal! :thumbup:

  • All three versions sound good. all of em sound exactly like i remember the BE. what you say, sorry, is chinese to me. i have taken twenty profiles of this amp, and recorded with them. actually i was able to re-play and record the tune from bonedo's by ear, just for the fun of it, and ...

    In the comment section of the bonedo test Thomas Dill (the author) says that he's going to make the profile available for free, propably in a new rig pack.

  • In the comment section of the bonedo test Thomas Dill (the author) says that he's going to make the profile available for free, propably in a new rig pack.

    That would be superb, because it would be easier to compare what my guitar and my hand does. Someone here who knows his e-mail?
    Recording right now, wait for another blindfold test!

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • During June i drove north, way north, a few hundred kilometers - which is a lot to me and nothing to my relatives in Canada - anyway i drove to ibbenbüren which is to me close to the northpole. Italy is a lot closer to my villlage. I played a lot of amps on the first day. then decided to stay for a second day! in order to decide which one is the (IMHO) best amp in the world.

    • Bogner Helios
    • Friedman BE or Smallbox (same sound)

    Both amps blew me away, but in the end, the Friedman had won. All amps were tested with the same 4x12 speakers. All 30 amps or so, the switching system is amazing there. Okay back to the topic. I had never an amp in my hands that reacted so closely to every nunace of volume poti and picking strength. And Thomas Dill comes close with all of his 3 methods. Anyway i am searching as said in the original post for a way to record with a cheaper solution than to sell all my amps, some of my guitars and still having not the money for even the smallbox. Today i have found - FINALLY - a profile that reacts similiar, very similiar. But it is not a BE! SO i will post my re-recording of bonedo test in another section when i have mixed tomorrow with fresh ears.

    But i am still interested in recordings with Friedman profiles. cu

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • On a completely different subject...The Thomas Dill Profiles of his Sovtek with various OD pedals are my favourite Profiles in my Kemper.
    So if Thomas has Profiled a BE100 I definitely want them.

    How come I can't get the video to play on the link?

  • @Guitartone

    AFAIK your mother tongue is german - not? :) Here is the link to the blindfold test, check it out, honestly, it will surprise you.
    The review is not that interesting anyway. It is a monster amp, everyone knows it.
    But anyway, the article is here, or should be ...
    If you can still not watch it, it is forbidden for IPs not from germany, which i cannot imagine, but maybe, then: sad, but true. You could VPN your
    IP away, but it is not THAT important. ||| And thanx for the hint of Dill's Sovtek, but i think is not in the RE anymore??

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • On a completely different subject...The Thomas Dill Profiles of his Sovtek with various OD pedals are my favourite Profiles in my Kemper.
    So if Thomas has Profiled a BE100 I definitely want them.

    How come I can't get the video to play on the link?

    Agreed! Thomas has produced some kick ass profiles.