NEW: Official East Amplification Studio 2 & Club 18 Profiles


    I feel very fortunate to have had the amazing opportunity over the past couple months to work hand in hand with my good friends over at East Amplification in creating an incredible new set of Kemper profiles for the East Amplification Studio 2 and Club 18 amplifiers.For anybody unfamiliar with this line of amps, they represent some of the finest and most versatile boutique amps available anywhere.

    East Amplification is the newest offering from world renowned amp builder Jeff Bober who was the mastermind behind all the Budda Amplification amplifier designs. With East Amplification he has taken things a step further and created some incredible new offerings that you can now own in the form of some carefully profiled Kemper profiles.

    The amps that have been profiled thus far are as follows:

    The Studio 2

    A little 2 watt amp that sounds and responds like a much larger amp. This is due to its unique push-pull output stage driven by a pair of 12AT7’s. This amp does it all from clean to aggressive. Sound samples are provided for multiple settings from clean to pushed, push+, overdrive and distortion. You also have the ability to hear all these settings with four different guitars to experience the tonal change from one to another. Two micing options are provided: the ubiquitous Shure SM57 as well as a Cascade Fathead 2 ribbon mic (actually chosen over the Royer 121), enabling you to blend the combination of large beautifully encompassing full range tone with additional presence, should you need to make a track cut through the mix.

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    More sound clips available at the website below:

    The Club 18

    This amp is quite versatile and produces its tones through a pair of EL84 output tubes. From nice warm cleans through the sound of overdriven 84’s, it has a nice pick attack response when driven and can be the shining star in your pallet of tones. Sound samples are provided for multiple settings from clean to pushed, push+, overdrive and distortion. You also have the ability to hear all these settings with four different guitars to experience the tonal change from one to another. Two micing options are provided: the ubiquitous Shure SM57 as well as a Cascade Fathead 2 ribbon mic (actually chosen over the Royer 121), enabling you to blend the combination of large beautifully encompassing full range tone with additional presence, should you need to make a track cut through the mix.

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    More sound clips available at the website below:

    Come on by the website and take a closer look at what is available. Keep an eye out as we add more amps to the line in the near future. Thanks so much for taking the time to listen.

    Edited once, last by jsadites (September 16, 2015 at 12:05 AM).

  • Thanks Michael! The next 2 amps will be completed over the next month or so. I will post more here when they are completed. For those who are looking to buy now and want all 4 amps as a bundle, we will offer a special price to complete the bundle once they are released :)

  • In my original post I was trying to embed the Soundcloud player right into the post but it would not seem to let me embed the entire playlist of all the tracks. I figured I would see if I could give a few examples here of some of the single tracks so everyone could hear a few clips without having to head over to the website. The website contains sound clips of all the profiles played through the following guitars:

    Gibson Memphis ES339 (Burstbucker pups)
    G&L ASAT Tele (G&L Classic Tele pups)
    Godin Core CT P90's (Seymour Duncan P90 pups)
    Michael Tuttle Custom Strat (Dimarzio PAF, Dimarzio Area 67 single coils)
    G&L Legacy HB2 (Seymour Duncan '59, Seymour Duncan TB-4) - this guitar was used in place of the ASAT for the Distortion profiles only

    Using the 4 guitars for the sound clips really shows the versatility of all the profiles. Each amp bundle contains the following profiles:

    Push - Fathead ribbon
    Push - SM57
    Push+ - Fathead ribbon
    Push+ - SM57
    Overdrive - Fathead ribbon
    Overdrive - SM57
    Distortion - Fathead ribbon
    Distortion - SM57

    Here are some samples (more available on the website )

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    All the profiles are totally unprocessed and recorded exactly how the profiles sound with no eq or compression except for the Clean profiles have a touch of compression never exceedin 1db of gain reduction. All the recorded guitars have a very small amount of small room reverb from the Kemper to give about of room ambience. Other than that these are the unaltered tones. Hope you all like them!

  • Another of the SM57 samples...

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  • Here is one of the Club 18 profiles being used:

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  • <p>Another of the profiles in action:</p>


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  • More of the profiles in action:

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  • Another of the profiles being used:

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  • Another of the Club 18 profiles in action with a Godin Progression Plus guitar:

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