Weird that no-one mentioned it yet...

  • dean, you need to relax a bit. i appreciate the fact that kemper is your choice but this is only what you are hearing. other people prefer the axe. you stated that kemper outsells the axe, im not denying your facts here but this is kind of funny statement to throw around. there are probably a lot more mexican ,japan, chinese made strats being sold over john suhr guitars yet i bought a suhr strat and i will wager that the quality is far above these other guitars mentioned. but also this is just my opinion. and i dont care so much about any of that must be better because its sold more hype . that suhr is the one for me. glad you found your sound!

  • dean, you need to relax a bit. i appreciate the fact that kemper is your choice but this is only what you are hearing. other people prefer the axe. you stated that kemper outsells the axe, im not denying your facts here but this is kind of funny statement to throw around. there are probably a lot more mexican ,japan, chinese made strats being sold over john suhr guitars yet i bought a suhr strat and i will wager that the quality is far above these other guitars mentioned. but also this is just my opinion. and i dont care so much about any of that must be better because its sold more hype . that suhr is the one for me. glad you found your sound!

    1-IF you can't provide any link where Fractal demonstrates the accuracy of their modeling by showing the amps they modeled in comparison their real world counter parts, you must agree that AXE II isn't about accuracy. Period. Show me the videos otherwise AXE II models are mainly based on Paper schematics. these are facts that no one can deny!!

    2-I provided you with links to what Kemper can sound like and to me and anyone who ever played a tube amp, these are pretty accurate in a way that the AXE II or any other model never even come close and there's no promise of accuracy in any near future so far. Quantum or future firmware don't promise accuracy.

    Again if you can't post some clips of Raw amps that compare with this why not accept that the AXE FX is not about accuracy. That's all I'm saying, All Modelers aren't accurate, Kemper is accurate and it's very evident and there for everyone to see, hear and try and compare with real worlds amp. It shouldn't be argued even, that's how clear it is. Yet some AXE FX fan boys, still insist to argue against established, demonstrated facts, with their wishful thinking and personal attacks.

    Why is that offensive and should make anyone upset.

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  • There's one in this thread Dean. Your mouth foam must have obscured your vision. :) Pete Thorn did one. Ola did a few. Even the hated Cliff did a few. They are out there dude. Go Google. :)

    Fractal doesn't have one single video in their website to demonstrate the accuracy of their modeling! It's a fact.

    To disprove it point me to the video on Fractal website or any website where Fractal claims accuracy and shows the actual amp that was modeled!! :)

    Fractal knows that the AXE FX is not about accuracy.

    Some of their fans aren't educated enough to know the difference between an EQ curve match (Decades old technology in the form of Plugins) and accurate amp modeling /Profiling in the Kemper. Lucky for Fractal.. :sleeping:

  • Bob, what is that helix you're talking sbout? ...


    It's like these Fractal threads that pop up every month are places where the insecure can go and circle jerk each other in to thinking they are above the rest of the world and pat each other on the back for being so classy with their posts and so above the fray while all the time exhibiting the same exact behavior they abhor at Fractal.

    you are dead wrong. I've explicitly explained why I started this 3D. There's something I find ironic in the attitude of some owner of the Axe, including the good old Cliff. And other things that I consider totally unappropriate. So I have my good laughs at that when I can. This has nothing to do with how the Axe sounds or feels, so please - pretty please - stop generalising :)

  • Failure - Wet Gravity (Live in Austin) - 100% Axe-FX II. Sounds horrible, doesn't it?

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  • Failure - Wet Gravity (Live in Austin) - 100% Axe-FX II. Sounds horrible, doesn't it?

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    How does this show accuracy of the AXE FX ? This is not recorded direct. I'm not sure what is this video supposed to demonstrate!!

    Let me make this simpler and let's do this step by step as it seems that not understanding the difference between EQ match and Profiling is the least of the problems for some who ended up buying the wrong product thinking they're the same 8o

    . Forget about videos from Fractal showing or demonstrating accuracy let's compare anything from Fractal that does Bogner that even comes remotely close to this Kemper profile. You don't have to rush, take a while before you post some video that's completely so far off topic that shows nothing.

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  • dean, your banging that kemper drum so loud you are starting to sound like those axe guys you are crusading against.
    thanks for the humor.

    Indeed. Telling Fractal owners that they bought the wrong product because they didn't know any better really doesn't seem like a good idea, ya know? If somebody is happy with their gear, that's all that matters. Doesn't matter if it's a KPA, an Axe-FX, a Helix, or a freaking Peavey Bandit. If they're happy with it, then they made the right decision in purchasing it.

  • Fractal doesn't have one single video in their website to demonstrate the accuracy of their modeling! It's a fact.

    To disprove it point me to the video on Fractal website or any website where Fractal claims accuracy and shows the actual amp that was modeled!! :)

    Fractal knows that the AXE FX is not about accuracy.

    Some of their fans aren't educated enough to know the difference between an EQ curve match (Decades old technology in the form of Plugins) and accurate amp modeling /Profiling in the Kemper. Lucky for Fractal.. :sleeping:

    LOL, you come off as a condescending jerk. I could say that some players are not smart enough to dial in a good tone on the Axe, but I will not...

  • LOL, you come off as a condescending jerk. I could say that some players are not smart enough to dial in a good tone on the Axe, but I will not...

    It's not my intention and I do apologize if I''m coming off as a jerk, but why don't you use knowledge to your benefits. Now that I made you aware that Tone Match (decades old technology) was a trick from Fractal to fool the unsuspecting customers into believing that it's the same as Kemper Profiling, what are you going to do with that information? Are you still going to be the fan boy who will stop at nothing, including sighing up to the competitions website, only to defend a wrong purchasing decision you made? Or you will sell your AXE and buy a Kemper? That's up to you how you deal with facts.

    I myself on the other hand did my homework about a month ago before I bought the KPA and realized that the continuous regular updates to the AXE FX II is being used by Fractal just like the "Tone Match" to trick unsuspecting customers into thinking that the AXE II keeps getting closer and more real with every update when the AXE FX user manual states clearly (as I already pointed a hundred times in this thread), the AXE FX wasn't designed with accuracy in mind.

    I hope you do something with this revelation and not focus on personal issues. Finally I'm not offended by you calling me a Jerk but I want to remind you that I will never sign up into the Fractal or the Gearpage website to defend or even read what people say about the Kemper. To the best of my knowledge, I did my homework; I read both AXE and Kemper Manuals, watched videos listened to clips and made a very educated purchasing decision by buying the Kemper and don't even care if the KPA gets one single update from the date I purchased it.

    Have a great day and don't let these conversations get to you. We all make mistakes in our daily lives, even me unintentionally coming off as a Jerk when all I mean is to share my experience and help others avoid making the decision to buy a wrong product due to the trickery of the market place (Tone match etc etc.)

    Edited 2 times, last by Dean_R (October 12, 2015 at 1:50 PM).

  • Fractal doesn't have one single video in their website to demonstrate the accuracy of their modeling! It's a fact.

    To disprove it point me to the video on Fractal website or any website where Fractal claims accuracy and shows the actual amp that was modeled!! :)

    Fractal knows that the AXE FX is not about accuracy.

    Some of their fans aren't educated enough to know the difference between an EQ curve match (Decades old technology in the form of Plugins) and accurate amp modeling /Profiling in the Kemper. Lucky for Fractal.. :sleeping:

    Is it really that hard to aknowledge that some people actually prefer the Axe-Fx over the Kemper?
    That some people ( by tonematching or tweaking ) find the Axe-Fx to be more accurate?
    That your truth and facts might not be the universal answer?
    I know for a fact that some people find both units amazing and extremely accurate.
    Both units have their strengths and weaknesses, Some like blonds some like browns.
    Acceptance is the first step.