Weird that no-one mentioned it yet...

  • I think we all need to take a harder look and attempt to reach beyond the concept of Quantum. Since a quantum is merely the MINIMUM amount of a physical entity's involvement in an interaction, the Quantum iteration merely represents the most minuscule of distances traveled and the tiniest, most fractional of possible evolutionary steps along the endless and winding road to what is the desired final destination. Reaching the final destination, the ultimate goal, would represent the absolute pinnacle of what could possibly be the most authentically reasonable facsimile of real.

  • The key is taking Quantum Leaps with every firmware update in the correct direction. The reason some companies continually take more quantum leaps with every new firmware release is that they still haven't figured out exactly the direction of the leap. If they can eliminate the quantum leaps in the wrong direction, they could possibly get there.

    Who knows, "Fractal Mathematics" might also be useful in explaining digital audio as well as it explains clouds in the sky or red autumn leaves, and "L System Fractals" used to model the morphology of organisms might also be used to model the morphology of tube amps! You never know, where MIMIC and G3 failed, morphology might be more than just a buzz word and quantum might be so quickly replaced and long gone before anyone gets to know what it is / or was.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (October 9, 2015 at 10:26 PM).

  • Here's a comparison Video of the HD modeling and AXE II. AXE II 5 times the Price of a POD HD and I honestly prefer the HD sounds. To be specific go to 2:21 and listen to how harsh the AXE FX II Energy ball is compared withe the HD power ball that comes right after. So Helix will slaughter the AXE FX once Ola Englund and other players start posting videos. If there's any difference it's just a matter of taste and were talking HD modeling, not even Helix. Save your money and don't believe the Hype!!!

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  • Here's a comparison Video of the HD modeling and AXE II. AXE II 5 times the Price of a POD HD and I honestly prefer the HD sounds. To be specific go to 2:21 and listen to how harsh the AXE FX II Energy ball is compared withe the HD power ball that comes right after. So Helix will slaughter the AXE FX once Ola Englund and other players start posting videos. If there's any difference it's just a matter of taste and were talking HD modeling, not even Helix. Save your money and don't believe the hype!!!

    well, I would not say that one is better than the other. They just sound different, so it's a matter of taste.
    For sure I don't hear a 1500€ difference. But you know, experiencing both machines under hands makes a big difference.
    BTW line 6 will make and huge step up just by the fact that FINALLY they allowed the users to load custom IRs, since they are just fundamental in a classic modeling machine.

  • Here's a comparison Video of the HD modeling and AXE II. AXE II 5 times the Price of a POD HD and I honestly prefer the HD sounds. To be specific go to 2:21 and listen to how harsh the AXE FX II Energy ball is compared withe the HD power ball that comes right after. So Helix will slaughter the AXE FX once Ola Englund and other players start posting videos. If there's any difference it's just a matter of taste and were talking HD modeling, not even Helix. Save your money and don't believe the Hype!!!

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    Yes, metal and tons of distortion is where axe shines. I said that previously: 90% or more demos online are this way: "oh look now I'm presenting new realer, tubeyer, tighter firmware of axe". And what happens next? E minor powerchord, D major, A major, low G string squeal and E minor powerchord.

  • Yes, metal and tons of distortion is where axe shines. I said that previously: 90% or more demos online are this way: "oh look now I'm presenting new realer, tubeyer, tighter firmware of axe". And what happens next? E minor powerchord, D major, A major, low G string squeal and E minor powerchord.[/quote]




    Edited once, last by skankenstein (October 10, 2015 at 3:44 PM).

  • What makes me laugh is that a quantum is actually a measurement of the smallest interaction or movement that something can make.

    Yes, this has been mentioned, mate.

    The thing is 'though, when used in the context of the phrase, "Quantum leap", the implied quantititty or distance is exactly the opposite of this. No worries about that, mind you, 'cause we have this angle covered too. As I said earlier:

    The implication that a quantum leap of progress has been made towards 100%-accurate modelling assumes that the existing position must have been a very, very long way off.

    Either way, we win. LOL

  • ^.. I didn't listen to them I was just providing a link so those who say clean samples don't exist could hear a few. That being said, amazing that of the well over 200 samples on that google search, you made that determination by listening to a "few". Like the guy who commented on the Brit Floyd clips. "Oh it's all delays, you could do that with a pod". Had he actually listened he would have heard plenty of dry samples as well. David Gilmour thinks they sound better than Floyd, he said so.

    I read the stuff you guys write here and some of it is as outrageously funny and narrow minded as what you just typed. It's amazing that you all keep starting anti-Fractal threads that also happen to be among the most popular here.

    It's as though you keep looking over your shoulders and the only way to make yourselves feel good is to constantly tear down anything that isn't yours. Kinda like buying a ford truck then spending your life typing how bad Chevys are. Half the "facts" here are guys making stuff up.It's one thing to have an opinion it's another to be so insecure that you do nothing but spend your days on a forum making up stuff about competitors like the guy who typed Metallica dumped Fractal etc.. Fractal has it's fan bois and you have the KKK ( Kemper Kuntz Klub). :)

  • you made that determination by listening to a "few".


    .. I didn't listen to them


    Obviously....or you wouldn't keep posting more of the same examples that aren't convincing anybody to buy an Axe FX.


    It's as though you keep looking over your shoulders and the only way to make yourselves feel good is to constantly tear down anything that isn't yours. Kinda like buying a ford truck then spending your life typing how bad Chevys are. Half the "facts" here are guys making stuff up.It's one thing to have an opinion it's another to be so insecure that you do nothing but spend your days on a forum making up stuff about competitors

    Pot meet kettle. Thanks for describing the Fractal Forum which has a web wide rep and is the most intolerant forum (next to The Gear Page).

    Really, don't you have anything better to do than what you're accusing others of doing? You're very sad.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me