Weird that no-one mentioned it yet...

  • All I care about is how it sounds. And to me Axe-FX II sounds better than the Kemper.

    Agreed. Before Quantum they were close but now the Axe-Fx sounds better. But they both sound great. All this bickering is rediculous. If you can't get good sounds with either you need to practice more. So I'm going to go practice. Maybe even use the Kemper. Or my AmpliFire (nah, doesn't sound that good).

  • Agreed. Before Quantum they were close but now the Axe-Fx sounds better. But they both sound great. All this bickering is rediculous. If you can't get good sounds with either you need to practice more. So I'm going to go practice. Maybe even use the Kemper. Or my AmpliFire (nah, doesn't sound that good).

    We are all so happy to hear that you like your rigs guys! Thanks for sharing! ;)

  • Agreed. Before Quantum they were close but now the Axe-Fx sounds better. But they both sound great. All this bickering is rediculous. If you can't get good sounds with either you need to practice more. So I'm going to go practice. Maybe even use the Kemper. Or my AmpliFire (nah, doesn't sound that good).

    I own both so I have no dog in this fight and I'll just say this. They are both excellent. With Axe firmware 15 I would say the raw amp tones were equal in both units. With firmware 16 I would say that the Axe is now actually slightly better. More natural lows and clearer highs. However I use the Kemper more because I enjoy the ease of use. The difference is small though and anyone claiming that one unit is vastly superior to the other is delusional and should spend more time practicing and less time worrying about their gear purchases.

    Mr. Marty:

    Please don't be offended but since you had very little posts I took a minute to see some of your earlier posts and I really got a kick out of this as it made me smile :) . I'm sorry but I think this is hilarious. So according to you , last year with firmware 15 they were equal , but with firmware 16 AXE was better. Fast forward to 2015 today, you say that before quantum they were close, but quantum made the AXE better.

    I know I know It's silly and who's keeping track but I guess everyone contradicts themselves at one point or another because I'm not sure what you thought about firmwares 17-20, maybe they made it worse then Quantum brought it back better :D , I have to admit that you must be practicing a lot because you don't post that much which is great and I'm actually Jealous. Have a great day, I"m just goofing around and mean no harm, Hope you see the humor as that's all this is.

  • So according to you , last year with firmware 15 they were equal , but with firmware 16 AXE was better. Fast forward to 2015 today, you say that before quantum they were close, but quantum made the AXE better.

    I understand what he means. It was already real before, but it's more realer now. 8o

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Quantum 1.01 is up. It models the power tube plate current slightly more accurately than Q1.00 :D's even slightly more realer now.

    I'm finally understanding that it's as good as it can get (achieved a while back), but it takes another loop around the block and each time the realness is really more realer than the previous realness.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • They should have named the unit, PI, because it never actually gets to the end of its realness.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Quantum 1.01 is up. It models the power tube plate current slightly more accurately than Q1.00 :D

    And it has started again :D :

    "Just installed and played for 20 minutes. The updated modeling sounds amazing! I think the highs are right on the spot compared to my tube amps sitting here. Also tighter (perfectly tuned?) bass. It immediately made my main presets sound better."

    Good for them if it sounds better to them. That's preferred to making it sound worse.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • And it has started again :D :

    "Just installed and played for 20 minutes. The updated modeling sounds amazing! I think the highs are right on the spot compared to my tube amps sitting here. Also tighter (perfectly tuned?) bass. It immediately made my main presets sound better."

    Good for them if it sounds better to them. That's preferred to making it sound worse.

    Another one :D

    Q1.00 very round full and slighty more wooly compared to the new firmware. 1.01 seems to have tightened things up, so it bites more.

    and another one

    1.01 seems to bring the treble forward a little more which I like (more tubey)

  • Come on guys, the same happened here with the pure cab feature...

    Not sure about this one. Personally I find last two firmware updates (merged rigs and pure cab) completely irrelevant and no use for me, except having a cab make my ears bleed on stage (via merged profile) if I need it. Pure cab, turned it on, cool, turned it off as it made my amp profiles sound different to what I profiled, forgot about it. I know for sure I am not the only one.
    What I am saying here is that profiling was finished and great sounding method way back at release, new sound shaping features might or not might be any use for people who actually play their guitars via profiler - I'd be happy with Kemper at firmware 1.0. Too many tweakers, not enough players..

  • Mr. Marty:

    Please don't be offended but since you had very little posts I took a minute to see some of your earlier posts and I really got a kick out of this as it made me smile :) . I'm sorry but I think this is hilarious. So according to you , last year with firmware 15 they were equal , but with firmware 16 AXE was better. Fast forward to 2015 today, you say that before quantum they were close, but quantum made the AXE better.

    Uh, interesting post history indeed... 8)