Weird that no-one mentioned it yet...

  • What me wonders the most is that things are not changing at FAS. My points from long ago are still unchanged.

    On the topic Snap-Shots some are forgetting something very important. The IRs AFX are using are the real Snap-Shots. And according the man himself IR's are responsible of 60% of the sound.
    The Kemper analyses the whole interaction between the power amp-cab-driver. Something an IR can not replicate. And this is exactly the problematic part of the AFX. Thats why lots of guys use in a live situation them as pre-amps with tube poweramps and real cabinet.

    The market is slowly evolving in a mature market. Bias desktop and head, Amplitube 4, Amplitube Mesa/Boogie, Yamaha THR Line and last but no least The Helix. Al recent stuff and compatitive for the FAS factory. More competition means lower prices and the boutique modelling nonsense is slowly comming to an end. having a big mouth shouting you are the best and the rest is crap will not help anymore. It will decrease market share of FAS only more rapidly.

  • made your point over and over and over. we get it -you dont like the axe and you think axe owners are flakes. you should go play your kemper and quit worring about the axe forum. im just trying to figure out why you are putting so much negative energy on this. this whole thread was stupid to begin with, making fun of people. yea, it was a hoot. you know, nothings going to change. i have both axe and kemper. i like both tools. i agree that some guys sound silly with their fanboy crap over there but ive seen it here too. and apperantly it sounds accurate to the axe guys. so whatever works.

  • made your point over and over and over. we get it -you dont like the axe and you think axe owners are flakes....

    I didn't say anything about AXE FX owners being flakes, I said some bought the wrong product when they bought the AXE FX without reading the manual thinking they're buying an accurate modeler even though it's clearly stated in the manuals that it's not a modeler "in the strict sense" and it's not intended to exactly model effects! Who cares whether I like it or not.

  • Wait you dont like it?

    i know your question is rhetorical Does it matter whether I like it or don't like it? Of course I don't like it, it's way overpriced and it's founded on hype, but I actually made sure to be objective in the above post by referencing actual data, that's not fun for some it seems. It looks like many would be happy with this thread being a "hoot" because dealing with facts can be seen as negative energy! Whatever.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (September 26, 2015 at 5:38 AM).

  • Oh dear...please make it stop

    I agree, but, while there is absolutely no obligation, we are all still here to read this stuff... ;)


    Because human being is so interestingly complex. While a part of our mind says: '' I can't stand this bullshit anymore! X( '', the other part says: '' So, what is the next bullshit I could read today? 8o ''. Isn't it true? ;)

    BTW, dear Dean_R, your epic relentless fight against the ''ennemy'' begin to be suspect, we all got your point since a while now, believe me! :)

  • I agree, but, while there is absolutely no obligation, we are all still here to read this stuff... Why? Because human being is so interestingly complex. While a part of our mind says: '' I can't stand this bullshit anymore! '', the other part says: '' So, what is the next bullshit I could read today? ''. Isn't it true? BTW, dear Dean_R, your epic relentless fight against the ''ennemy'' begin to be suspect, we all got your point since a while now, believe me! :)

    Seems that you got the wrong point, Fractal is not my enemy!! I just happen to have special skills with fast reading and typing. Skimming for 20 minutes through the AXE FX manual when I was considering buying it, I found all these inconsistencies and figured I'll share with fellow consumers, but now I feel like the guy who ruined everything by telling you guys things that you didn't want to know. So I won't post in this thread anymore. I know a few in this thread who early on said they were done with this thread only to be back, so it's true what you said about humans being so complex.

  • In this thread there's actually two that I'm aware of that do't own the KPA, but had to sign in this forum for no other reason but to defend the AXE FX by insulting others only and not to participate in any serious discussion. If you happen to own the AXE FX II, then that's great, it might be good tool for you, but it's not intended to be accurate as I pointed out in the above post that you choose to ignore all what was in it and choose to take a personal jab at me by addressing one of my comments.

    I do indeed own an Axe-FX, but did actually buy a KPA first. However, I just could not get along with it, sold it, and got the Axe instead. Go figure.

    Have you ever played an Axe-FX?

  • :)

    Somewhere Dean is foaming at the mouth, ready to explode with anger

    You couldn't be more wrong buddy!! I've been desensitized to people's ignorance and stupidity a long time ago. I have no respect for those who don't RTFM AND act so fanatically. That applies to every product. I read where this guy said he returned the kemper because he compared it to his amp in the room and it didn't sound like that. He's still a lot better than those buying the AXE FX based on Artists endorsements and claiming that it's an accurate modeler, at least he quickly understood what he was buying!

    I did say I won't post in this thread anymore, but so did you. ^^

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    Edited once, last by Dean_R (September 27, 2015 at 4:52 PM).

  • I do indeed own an Axe-FX, but did actually buy a KPA first. However, I just could not get along with it, sold it, and got the Axe instead. Go figure.

    Have you ever played an Axe-FX?

    Was it really necessary to add this? I think that some of our dear friends Axe FX users have to let it go too! Don't you think? :)

  • I do indeed own an Axe-FX, but did actually buy a KPA first. However, I just could not get along with it, sold it, and got the Axe instead. Go figure.

    Have you ever played an Axe-FX?

    I tried the AXE FX II first hand and I read the manual. Did you read the manual? If you did, do you know how the impedance curve affect the sound of tube amp? Can you enlighten us how you set those parameters to get accurate results? Better yet , have you seen Fractal anywhere demonstrate the amp they modeled to show how accurate their modeling is?

    Don't bother looking, because if you had read the manual, you would have known, that AXE FX II is not about accuracy so you will never see that AXE FX dumble because it only exists on paper schematic!

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (September 27, 2015 at 5:08 PM).

  • I do indeed own an Axe-FX, but did actually buy a KPA first. However, I just could not get along with it, sold it, and got the Axe instead. Go figure.

    Have you ever played an Axe-FX?

    Let me point the obvious to you, not to anyone who reads this thread, because they all see it!!

    So you bought the Kemper, never registered it, never felt the need to sign up to this forum (you have about 5 posts so far so you couldn't have bought the kemper last week when you sigged up) and you sold it and bought the AXE FX but felt the need to register to the Kemper Forum, not to register a product or share info with users, but to defend the AXE FX II. :D