Weird that no-one mentioned it yet...

  • Going personal now?

    The troll is actually trying to convince himself he made the correct purchase and can't stand that others don't see (or hear) the Emperor's New Clothes. It sounds like he doubts his decision.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • Oops... I meant to hit the quote button but clicked "like" instead.

    My bad. My very bad!

    ... It's as though you keep looking over your shoulders and the only way to make yourselves feel good is to constantly tear down anything that isn't yours.... It's one thing to have an opinion it's another to be so insecure that you do nothing but spend your days on a forum making up stuff about competitors...

    Hmm... not sure where to start here.

    Could it just be a simple matter of our owning a superior product? I wonder. Ultimately, one has to be better than the other when it comes to amp modelling; they can't both be equally accurate, can they? The Axe's FX are of high quality and are deeply editable, whereas the Kemper's are more utilitarian and useable "out of the box", so on the FX front, either could win depending upon what the user's after. IMHO, the Kemper however occupies its own space in rare air above all other comers when it comes to reproducing the sophisticated sounds and responses of tube amplifiers.

    You may not agree. Fine. Say so by all means. Nobody here would deny you this right, however, you appear to have abused this privilege here:

    Fractal has it's fan bois and you have the KKK ( Kemper Kuntz Klub). :)

    The fact that you seem to think it's OK to say this speaks volumes about where you're at and where you're coming from, IMHO.

    I could be wrong. You might just be the kindest, most gracious person I've had the honour of stumbling across. Then again, could I be justified in venturing towards forming an initial impression about what your motives might be? Given I've not had much to go by thus far, perhaps you could enlighten me, "skank".

  • Im like the escaped convict in "O Brother, Where art Thou"...

    (quoting here from the movie...) "Im with you fella's"... :D

    You see I own both units. Both WILL have their use's in my world....

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • ''Weird that no-one mentioned it yet...'' but I think we have all done a ''quantum leap'' in the disrespectfull digresssion domain! ;)

    I would agree too to end this thread!

    i agree with your first sentence but why close the thread? i believe it is in the "other gear" section and it is quite entertaining listening to all the my dad can kick your dads a$$ smack.

  • .... Fractal has it's fan bois and you have the KKK ( Kemper Kuntz Klub). :)

    Mr. Skank:

    I'm not a kemper fan by any stretch, I just don't think AXE FX II is worth its asking price by any stretch and I'm shocked that it was hyped so much that many ended up buying it. Disliking the AXE FX II for its artificial and non musical Character doesn't make me a kemper fan, maybe an AXE FX disliker.

    If you can link to anything that sounds made by AXE FX as real as this(see below just raw amps), I will go out and buy an AXE FX II in a couple of weeks when the big price drop happens as AX8 is released. I'm 100% sure you won't find anything from the AXE II that's even in the neighborhood of Kemper because AXE FX II as I've been trying to tell you is not based on accuracy and I'm not about to repost the clear information that shows that.

    To level with you (without personal attacks and vulgar language ) I'll use your method to point you to what the Kemper can do which makes it leaps and bounds above the AXE FX in terms of realism. These are facts supported by clips! Can your AXE do this?

    I advice that you sell yours before the price drop and buy the Kemper, then and only then you will realize what you've been missing all this wasted time futzing around with an unrealistic overpriced modeler.

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    Edited 2 times, last by Dean_R (October 11, 2015 at 11:38 PM).

  • Mr. Skank:

    I'm not a kemper fan by any stretch, I just don't think AXE FX II is worth it's asking price by any stretch and I'm shocked that it was hyped so much that many ended up buying it. Disliking the AXE FX II for its artificial and non musical Character doesn't make me a kemper fan, maybe and AXE FX disliker.

    If you can link to anything that sounds made by AXE FX as real as this(see below just raw amps), I will go out and buy an AXE FX II in a couple of weeks when the big price drop happens as AX8 is released. I'm 100% sure you won't find anything from the AXE II that's even in the neighborhood of Kemper because AXE FX II as I've been trying to tell you is not based on accuracy and I'm not about to repost the clear information that shows that. But I'll use your method (without personal attacks and vulgar language to point you to what the Kemper can do which makes it leaps and bounds above the AXE FX in terms of realism. These are facts supported by clips! Can your AXE do this? Since it doesn't I advice that you sell yours before the price drop and buy the Kemper and then you will realize what you've missing all this wasted time futzing around with an unrealistic overpriced modeler.

    There's 'intent', and there's 'perception'. Meaning, it's possible that your intent in your posts may be different than what other people perceive it to be.

  • ''Weird that no-one mentioned it yet...'', but I think it is strange Kemper users spend so much time talking about the Axe.

    Only because Skankypoo actually created an account on a competitor's board to solely stir things up.
    I wonder why that is?

    And why is this your first post?

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • ''Weird that no-one mentioned it yet...'', but I think it is strange Kemper users spend so much time talking about the Axe.

    Why is it weird? Kemper graciously has a section in the forum dedicated to other gear. AXE II has been hyped as a competition to the Kemper when the actual reality is the other way around. Kemper is actually the competition for the AXE FX II, its much cheaper and does what the AXE FX II is falsely hyped or supposed mistakenly to do accurate modeling.

    Kemper is the underdog that dethroned the AXE FX from its false status and showed guitar players how accurate modeling is done, not with Schematics but with physically creating models from real world amps, that anyone with a mic can do it. I just profiled one of my amps and the profile plays, feels and sound just like my amp! If anyone doubts any of this, all they have to do is check their music store or online retailer and find out the Kemper right there for them to try. Instead, after 6 years in the Market that AXE FX II isn't able to create enough demand to be in a catalog. For each AXE sold there are hundreds of Kemper sold.

    If anyone doubts anything I mentioned, let them show any, and I mean any, video posted by Fractal, that shows any amp they claim they modeled and compare them with the AXE FX models. don't bother trying because, all modeling companies use schematics more than measurements. Where'e that AXE FX II Dumble? show me a picture at least..

    More guitar players should know this before they dump thousands of dollars on the wrong product (AXE II)

    Edited 2 times, last by Dean_R (October 12, 2015 at 12:16 AM).

  • Kemper is the underdog that dethroned the AXE FX from its false status and showed guitar players how accurate modeling is done, not with Schematics but with physically creating models from real world amps, that anyone with a mic can do it. I just profiled one of my amps and the profile plays, feels and sound just like my amp! If anyone doubts any of this, all they have to do is check their music store or online retailer and find out the Kemper right there for them to try. Instead, after 6 years in the Market that AXE FX II isn't able to create enough demand to be in a catalog. For each AXE sold there are hundreds of Kemper sold.

    Quote from rottenikken: “''Weird that no-one mentioned it yet...'', but I think it is strange Kemper users spend so much time talking about the Axe.”
    Why is it weird? Kemper graciously has a section in the forum dedicated to other gear. AXE II has…


    If it is so bad, why is the resale value so high?

  • Kemper is the underdog that dethroned the AXE FX from its false status and showed guitar players how accurate modeling is done, not with Schematics but with physically creating models from real world amps, that anyone with a mic can do it. I just profiled one of my amps and the profile plays, feels and sound just like my amp! If anyone doubts any of this, all they have to do is check their music store or online retailer and find out the Kemper right there for them to try. Instead, after 6 years in the Market that AXE FX II isn't able to create enough demand to be in a catalog. For each AXE sold there are hundreds of Kemper sold.

    And you can back this up, or as you just talking bullshit, as usual?