Huge thanks to Hays/crhfish!

  • Here is the Black Pearl amp. Its a 30 Watt class A EL84 amp. Switchable from triode to pentode with a voicing switch (5 voicings) and a boost mode. I don't know how to do the math but that gives you 100 plus settings for different sounds and the EQ is really done right. It has a direct out thats designed to mimic their red fang speakers. The profiles I have done are mostly through that onboard direct out.

    [Blocked Image:]

  • looking forward the benz profiles with real mikes , I really appreciate your work , thx

  • Thats a Deluxe I built and blew up a few times. Its hard to profile for some reason. I'll try again soon. I'm actually able to play some today. All the relatives have gone home. Its hard to play much when the babies are using your music room for naps.

  • Hey , one of your profile ' bassman chin' did a short appearance in the last 'profiler's digest'

    check the clip @ 0:30 , it's on par with lots of commercial profiles to me.

    I used a special reverb & delay to get a slapback/ spring reverb feel, it works good.

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  • Thanks for including me in your digest. I meant for the full name to be China Grove. I found that amp In Alabama where my dad lives and brought it back to Texas. I'm not sure what they used to record that song but in playing around with it after I did the profile I thought it sounded allot like the song China Grove.

    One more thing, I live in that little town down around San Antone, China Grove.

  • Thx for the story , it's always cool to know the story behind the amp , and that profile is really interesting.

  • I put up a few profiles today. Two sets from the Black Pearl using an SM57, each set is different gain, a few Blues jr profiles and a few more from my Vox hand wired AC15. It was to cold here to do anything else. The AC15 is tricky, if you set it up using a Strat, it can sound not so good on a humbucker based guitar and vise versa. While its true that the guitar is not in the loop when the profile is made, it is very much in the loop when you set the amp up and find a sound you like. I hope these are OK, my ears are fried.

  • I put up a few profiles today. Two sets from the Black Pearl using an SM57, each set is different gain, a few Blues jr profiles and a few more from my Vox hand wired AC15. It was to cold here to do anything else. The AC15 is tricky, if you set it up using a Strat, it can sound not so good on a humbucker based guitar and vise versa. While its true that the guitar is not in the loop when the profile is made, it is very much in the loop when you set the amp up and find a sound you like. I hope these are OK, my ears are fried.

    Genz Benz is such an unusual least when it comes to their Guitar amps. As far a guitar amps, they have the unusual distinction of making one of the most despised and derided tube amps within the guitar community, the high gain El Diablo. Conversely, their follow-up tube amp, the Black Pearl 30, is almost universally acclaimed, and spoken of with an almost hushed reverence.

    IMHO, the El Diablo was a bit unfairly maligned. I used to own one. While it wasn't an all-time classic, it also didn't deserve the over-the-top scorn and bad word of mouth. It had an unusual, active EQ tone stack, which was incredibly sensitive. I think a lot of the haters just couldn't get along with and accustomed to the EQ stack, and quickly lost patience in experimenting with different tone settings.

    Edited 2 times, last by Tritium (January 9, 2017 at 3:59 AM).

  • Love these new Pearl profiles, particularly the mid-gain ones, and the Vox handwired are all great. The range of tones should cover a lot of bases pickups wise. The Blues Jr2 worked very for me too - esp with an LP. Thanks again for sharing these pro quality profiles.