LF+ PRO+ Expression Pedal issues...

  • I am struggling here to understand why this is not working for me. I want to use expression pedals plugged into LF to control Volume and Wah on the kemper. So far, it is not working.

    Kemper is running on Firmware (also tried the 3.1.0 beta)
    LF+ PRO+ is running v4.2

    On the LF, I have tested the calibration to and the pedals and range is 1-409, so both working on the LF connection.
    I have them setup to type:Continuous and Channel:KEMPER. CC7 for Volume and CC1 for WAH.

    On the Kemper, here is what the settings are.
    1:<unplugged> Volume Expression Type 1 Pedal 1
    2:<unplugged> Wah Wah Expression Type 1 Pedal 2

    All the other LF+ buttons work fine with controlling presets, stomps, effects, etc on my Kemper. But the expression pedals wont work through the LF. If I plug them into the Kemper directly, then they work fine.

    Please help...Thanks!

  • Thanks, that helped me. I didnt have auto calibrate enabled.

    It looks like it also revealed a problem with Exp jack 2 on my LF. Once i set the autocalibrate, it started crashing and locking up the Kemper. I did recall an anomaly when i was calibrating that Pedal. When I would get to the low range off position it didnt sit on 1. It would bounce around 7-12. Not sure why that would crash the Kemper, but I could recreate it repeatedly. Bummer.

    As soon as I moved it to exp 3 jack and set that one up, it all worked.

    Thanks again...