What do you guys think of this from Cliff of Axe Fx?

  • I can't believe where this thread has gone, and the comments made by some long standing members to each other. The one thing I always liked about this forum is "gentlemanly" conduct and respect the members showed each other. I find it really quite upsetting.

  • It quite bizzare to comment the public speculation of an immature competitor.
    For sure we are not using 256 samples IRs.
    I have mentioned this somewhere before.
    A resonable skilled person would easily find out, that a 256 samples IR would use up only 5.6% of the calculation power of our processor.
    A technical visionary person on the other hand will conclude, that devoting not more than 5.6% of the available calculation power for the cabinet for a digital guitar amp would be very unsuitable, and thus much more information might be hidden in said data.
    Well, skills and vision rarely go hand in hand :)

    We have changed the Rig format with OS 3.0, as you know.
    The data now look different. An analogue conclusion must be now, that we have reduced our IRs to 128 samples, but use more IRs.
    Does this make sens? No.

  • Maybe because they want to be able to get similar tones, If you like Hendrix, Gilmour, Clapton, you might be better off with Strat, and if you like Zeplin you get a less Paul etc. If you like them all, you get a collection of guitars and amps regardless if you play cover or original

    Continuing your allegory, I'm pretty sure that mightypudge's point is: why the need of criticizing those who want to sound like someone else?


  • Continuing your allegory, I'm pretty sure that mightypudge's point is: why the need of criticizing those who want to sound like someone else?


    It seems to me that the line is very blurred between gear and those who use the gear. If I posted my opinion about me personally not liking the AXE FX II, I'm only referring to the machine and not the guitar player or players who use that machine, If someone chooses to interpret that I'm criticizing the persons, I can assure you that my intention is not to criticize, the persons and I don't believe that I criticized users save the fanboys. I confess that I criticized the AXE FX for sounding fake and I attributed the success to excessive amount of hype.

    On the other hand, I also criticized the makers and marketers of the AXE FX II for being petty and intentionally making up ridiculous false lies about a competing product because they're unable to demonstrate their other false marketing claims/lies about the AXE II being accurate, but never criticized anyone for using it.

    It's like saying I don't like U2 (the band not you) and someone chooses to interpret my statement to mean that I criticized those who like U2. Not so!

    That's my opinion about a machine and not the users and I still stand by my opinion because it's just a personal opinion, even though I believe I demonstrated and provided many supporting evidence that it's very far from accurate. :)

  • Believe me, I knew exactly what he meant but I chose to respond the way I did even though I could have pointed out based on my own experience and many who share the same sentiment, but don't like to usually speak out, that the AXE FX series have been marketed and hyped as the choice of gear as "tool for world domination" and everything was supposed to be inferior.

    I was so glad when KPA was released in 2012 and it clearly showed how inferior the AXE FX truly was and still is even though I wasn't among the first adopters. I'm also happy that Helix is also released and Amplifire right before it to completely clear the smoke and everyone realizes that the AXE FX II is just another modeler. The title of this thread clearly points to how fractal resorts to fabrications and lies to advance their brand on the account of immorally trying to bring the competition down.

    They think their slick!! When Amplifire was released 9 or 10 months ago, not sure exactly when, Fractal announced their AX8 on the same day Amplifire was released but AX8 is still not out and won't be out for another God knows how long!! I can't bond in any way shape or form with a company that openly disregard civility and resort to fabrications. Their hype marketing and the elitists attitude of their fan boys on the gear page ( owned by the biggest AXE Fanboy) loses them so many customers and I believe they will only learn when it's too late.

    The image of the super modeler has been shattered almost four years ago with the release of KPA and if they want to remain relevant, they really need to rework their image otherwise they will be swallowed up between line 6 and Kemper , BUT, first and foremost, their CEO need to delegate the marketing to some else, what worked in 2008 won't work in 2015 (word to the wise) and he should refrain from posting ridiculous posts as the one that this thread is discussing.

    Edited once, last by Dean_R (November 1, 2015 at 12:22 AM).

  • i'd appreciate if you could just ignore lasvideo comment and language. he will not bother you in the future, at least not on this forum.

    Why? He get banned for saying he didn't like the product? Or because he got upset at the fact that someone compared his looks to a serial killer? Or did he voluntarily delete is account?

  • Why? He get banned for saying he didn't like the product? Or because he got upset at the fact that someone compared his looks to a serial killer? Or did he voluntarily delete is account?

    I think it's past offences. I have never had anything against LasVideo, but he did stir things up on a few occasions, especially in one particular Axe v KPA thread a while back. I think it's healthy with a perspective from both sides however.

  • Well if they are going to start moderating posts my I suggest that we get a couple of rules in place:

    1. Ban any posts from @and44 that have a sentence that doesn't start with a capital letter.
    2. Banned
    3. Ban any post from @Dean_R that is more than 3 words
    4. Banned
    5. Ban any post from @paults that says "Thank You". Just way too polite for an online forum!
    6. Ban any post about how Rig Manager does not work on the Mac. It works on my Mac so the problem must be with you!
    7. Ban any posts like "I accidentally my kemper". @flyingheelhook is not amused.
    8. Ban @rogerpedersen videos. They are terrifying to watch. And may just make you hang it all up!

    Feel free to add your own suggested rules on forum moderation.

    Edit: Banned my two recommendations regarding Ingolf. He was not amused. It was not my intent.

    Edited 4 times, last by SwAn1 (November 1, 2015 at 8:43 PM).

  • Ban them All ;D

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