What do you guys think of this from Cliff of Axe Fx?

  • Gee's ....that's just disappointing ....... its not even what he said, but rather the subtlety dismissive tone and context.

    Whatever the technical differences between the 2 units - I have no idea - they are both astoundingly great sounding units .... period.

    My only real take-away from his comments are ....... how utterly ironic and self-defeating ........ to para-phrase ...... even though the KPA is such a non-sophisticated, simple unit, it still sounds just as good as the super-complicated and technologically-intense Axe ..... sadly he doesn't even realize that such comments actually reflect poorly back on to his own [ objectively excellent ] product.


  • One of the main things why I prefer Kemper is, they don`t want to make other Companies look bad. And I don`t think it`s just because they don`t need to (but they realy don`t need to). It`s some kind of Gentlecompany...

  • I know that a lot of people don't like the way Cliff goes about making comments about other products. But he clearly has confidence in his ability as a product designer and audio engineer.

    You have to wonder sometimes....There was a thread a while back where a guy noticed issues with the Ultra Res format and he got panned for it.
    I think eventually the ownhammer guy came in and they found there was an issue and then Cliff noticed that it had been not correct for quite a few FW's
    He was very upfront and open about it but the lynching from that crowd was remarkable.

    Then you have Scott Peterson with a huge conflict of interest on TGP

    The thing is its happened many times where someone finds an issue and takes a pineapple or two before its acknowledged and gets corrected ...an apology is extremely rare and then of course the beta testers next FW rave about how much everything is improved......until the next issue/bug gets exposed.....

    Why you would have a guy like Scott Peterson on a beta team who can barely play guitar is beyond me ....

    I think the Helix is a big wakeup call to over there....engineers tend to over complicate things....guitarists are maybe one chromosome above drummers lol (jk ;) ) ...the majority don't want submenus & submenus of stuff they have to read a manual to understand ...(leave that for the Adrian belews) let alone a device that ruins your patches every update!

    Of course there is one power tripping user who has already been mentioned that loves to do complicated instructional videos which a huge smug of inferiority to try to project how much they think they know....when the resulting sound isn't much better than a Saturday morning at guitar centre

  • I also think its hilarious cliff wont explain gain matching because he has a patent pending that uses it! Wtf does that even mean? He wants a patent on existing technology his competitors supposedly use which he describes as simple.

    I remember when "tone matching" was spouted to be the same as profiling....the tone match page of the forum is like an empty town with tumbleweeds down the main street.
    None of the them are amps either....its all VH1 guitar hero stem type stuff

    And the patch exchange is useless unless you are using the exact FW it was created on otherwise it won't sound the same

  • Anyone who actually tries a Kemper very soon stops caring about how it's actually done - I really wouldn't care if there was a genetically modified hamster in there who can fart 'God Save the Queen' in between takes. If this thing sounds as good as it does with minimal tweaking and without the valve issue of having to crank it to ear-bleeding levels at home then why would anyone say anything other than 'good job' to Kemper?

    OK!! I'm in!! Now where do I buy this device with the genetically modified farting hamster?!?!?!? Now I thought I liked my Kemper. Can't imagine what that would be like!!


  • OK!! I'm in!! Now where do I buy this device with the genetically modified farting hamster?!?!?!? Now I thought I liked my Kemper. Can't imagine what that would be like!!


    It's actually already in the latest firmware, but you need the Remote to access it. ;)

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • In the end you can tell Cliff is a Kemper customer, player at least hehe I hope he get to put his Profiler together again, warranty should be gone anyway !.

    Can be a deceitful pony at his statements too.Apart from this I actually can't say something bad about Fractal+Community, Axe FX II is a immense unit,
    but Im happy that i switched to Kemper now, more real Amp tone, amazing dynamics and Gain characteristic to me at any Rate!!

  • I am a clean/mid gain Fender fan and I commonly hear that Kemper is best for that but Axe does well with metal etc. Not sure if that is true as I never played an Axe.

    I am hoping for the best of both worlds - ordered my FX8 from Fractal so hoping to combine that with the Kemper.

  • I am a clean/mid gain Fender fan and I commonly hear that Kemper is best for that but Axe does well with metal etc. Not sure if that is true as I never played an Axe.

    I am hoping for the best of both worlds - ordered my FX8 from Fractal so hoping to combine that with the Kemper.

    Best of both worlds... Good for you :thumbup:

  • I just wonder what this Axe FX-guy means and how should this be possible when you do your own profiles;Does the KPA "recognizes" that I am doing a marshall-profile and then puts "one of the seven amp models" out of the pocket while doing automatically some EQs on ITs OWN to sound like MY own marshall; 8|

    Wow.At least this would be the most clever digital machine since T9000.Artificial intelligence at its best.And this for just 1600 bucks.So happy I did not buy the "dumb" Axe FX..

  • I always thought the kpa had 2 amp models - clean and distorted, and they use a number of complicated parameters to sound completely different from profile to profile. Of course he goes so far as to compare these "models" to what his unit calls models. By the same logic, you could say that the axe has one base model with the actual models just using fixed parameters on it.

  • I give the edge to the Kemper for amp realism.

    I was set on buying the AXE 2 until I heard the Kemper and switched for this very reason. I listened to the recent clip of the latest firmware (19) on the AXE and it reminded me of early 80s tones like from Ratt and Motley Crue. Brittle sounding, modified Marshall amps with not much body in the tone. I can see why the metal guys like it. That's exactly why it's not for me.

    The key to everything is patience.
    You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
    -- Arnold H. Glasow

    If it doesn't produce results, don't do it.

    -- Me

  • As for the Axe/ toaster debate - that has clearly been abused, I challenge anybody to name an Amp and cab simply by hearing it and not seeing it. You can't it isn't possible. You can guess, and sure you might guess right but it's only a guess at best. So what does it matter? I turn on the Marshall stack... Do I just play it? No! I tweak a few dials until I achieve the desired tone and volume. Does it sound different than it did before I tweaked it? Sure does. I chuck down a couple pedals in front of it, now it sounds different again. Hey, my Marshall sounds like an Evil Robot now! It's all subjective. I bought the toaster (because) I can create, capture and store the sound I want and frankly, I don't care if it's a Fender amp or a Black Face or a Marshall if it sounds right. Plus I go to a lot of gigs doing sound and have an opportunity to collect some great combo's and head sounds so this seems like a pretty cool sound camera! Click click! It's mine

  • Oh, I too like good tone and the sound bites and video of the Kemper seems to display some variety in tone that the axe samples don't. Most of the axe samples I've heard have been highly over processed and the majority of them sound like Steve Vai or Satrianni and not much in the way of pure crunch and raw tone. Perhaps I'm missing something? I am not saying one is better or worse, I think it's a Harley Davidson vs BMW kinda thing. It would be cool to have them both but it would seem redundant. Certainly won't help my playing any!