Kemper Setup For Home/Sudio

  • I wanted to reach out too the Kemper community and find out how user setup there rig for home, do you use guitar speaker cabs or monitors. Can you get a legit feel of an amp with monitors. The reason for the thread is I come from a long line of tube amps running through a 4x12, might seem like allot for the house/studio but I love the FEEL of the 4x12. Do you think Ill regret selling the 4x12 cab and getting some monitors?

    Edited once, last by theway (June 14, 2015 at 5:25 PM).

  • Hi there and welcome!

    there are many different ways of setting up your monitoring situation and use for the KPA. In my studio I run it into the analog inputs of my UA Apollo and use good studio monitors. I also use a CLR active wedge on the monitor output if I don't want to fire up my studio. I also could run my Bogner Extended 2X12 cab with a velocity 100 power amp.

    My suggestion is, you invest in decent studio speakers and an interface or a FRFR speaker set up for your studio and home use and keep the 4x12 for additional use with tube heads and for profiling as you could always just get a power amp if your KPA isn't the powered version and use that to play through.

  • Ok I have my Mark V that I profiled DI. The tone/gain is pretty much right on,The cleans are spot on. But the high gain feel is more boxy and not at tight and organic sounding. Any suggestions?Guitar KPA-KPA into ISP Stealth-Into Mesa 4x12

  • Try adjusting mic positions or adjust the parameters in the KPA cab section.

    try re profiling a few times and understand that the resulting profile is a combination of room, mic, mic placement, mic pre etc...don't confuse it with a room/live feel of an amp, rather see it as a recorded guitar sound you find on records

  • Hi - I have a Atomic CLR passive cab I have been using in the studio for the last 1.5 years and it sounds awesome but I pefer a 2x12 cab I just bought because I love the sound and feel over the Atomic. With the release of 3.0.2 there are plenty of DI and merged profiles. Good Luck
    The M. Britt profiles sound awesome with the 2x12 cab