• Please excuse my naivete. I am VERY new to this midi stuff.

    I have the following, basic Randall RF8 Midi controller:


    Based on what I am reading, it allows fixed CC commands from 80 through 87.

    I am mainly interested in the Performance mode changes, i.e. CC 48 through 54.

    It appears that my controller sends fixed CC commands, and that the CC commands I am looking for are fixed in the Kemper. Does this mean that I am out of luck? Is there a way to change the Kemper CC commands to correlate with somewhere between 80 and 87?

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give.


  • Are you trying to call up different rigs using these commands? If so you can set the PC number that's required to call up each rig.

    while you have a certain rig in focus, select the system button. There is a page that allows you to assign the PC number. I don't remember the page number off the top of my head.

    match this number to the fixed number being sent by your midi controller.


  • Thank you for the reply. My footswitch has 8 buttons. I can set them each to a different PC number and be able to call up 8 rigs.

    I was hoping to use the CC commands for performance mode so that I could use 5 buttons to call up 5 different rigs per performance, and use 2 more buttons to advance forward or backward to different performances, where I could again call up 5 different rigs using the aforementioned 5 buttons. Not sure it is possible using my footswitch, though.

  • Not sure it is possible using my footswitch, though.

    No - the CC numbers in the Kemper are not programmable - they are fixed, like the CC numbers in your controller.

    Any "conventional" MIDI pedalboard that transmits MIDI program numbers 0-127 can be used to control all the rigs in Banks 1 through 25 using Performance Mode. This would even include extremely inexpensive used 1980s relics like the ART X-11, the original Ground Control pedal. the Rolls MFX, etc.

  • Thank you.

    That is what I was afraid of!

    Looks like I'll have to invest in a different MIDI switch moving forward.

    Another quick question in the interval.

    OK. I can assign individual rigs to each pedal using PC numbers. I'm looking for easy access to as many rigs as possible. So let's say, in Browse Mode, I assign 6 buttons to 6 different rigs using PC numbers. Is it possible to assign a PC number to a 'forward' or 'backward' browse command? I could use my last 2 buttons for these commands. Then, I would have easy access to the 6 rigs as well as the rigs directly ahead and behind each of them.

    Thanks, again, everyone. Still trying to figure this stuff out..... while I sit on the waiting list for an Atomic CLR...!


  • Switching back and forth with a MIDI PC is not possible

  • With firmware 3.0.2 you can use CC48/CC49, please read the updated MIDI documentation. But PC is always absolute.

    It looks like my MIDI pedal has fixed CC commands from 80-87, so I don't think I can do this. Without the ability to assign them PC commands, I suppose it just won't work for me. Thank you for your input.