Master Volume not working under 4.1 or so

  • Hey all,

    I'm curious if anyone else has experienced this problem.

    The Master Volume knob is producing no sound until it gets to about 4.1 on the dial. Below 4.1 the KPA is literally silent.
    I'm not sure how long this has been going on, but I just noticed it the other day.

    If others have experienced this, is there a solution? If nobody else has experienced this I will try to shoot a video or something.


  • Ditto. It's got to do with linked volumes that got out of whack. link/unlink volumes, turn knob a few times all the way cw/ccw, relink and it will sort itself out. your -oo db volume somehow got linked to master knob at 4 and this is the result.

    Happens to me at least once a month and it can be frustrating 4sure.

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • Hey all,

    I'm curious if anyone else has experienced this problem.

    The Master Volume knob is producing no sound until it gets to about 4.1 on the dial. Below 4.1 the KPA is literally silent.
    I'm not sure how long this has been going on, but I just noticed it the other day.

    If others have experienced this, is there a solution? If nobody else has experienced this I will try to shoot a video or something.


    do you have the master volume linked only to the main out? sometimes it happens if the master volume is linked to more things

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • I had this same problem and Kemper asked me to send it in for repair. I sent it off a week ago.
    Try this test. Turn your master down to zero, then turn the Kemper off. Wait a few minutes and turn it back on. Gradually turn up the master and listen for sound. That usually fixed mine. However, as I practiced at lower volumes the sound would fade out after a while. As I turned it up the sound would come back. This continued until I got into the 4 range. I never had it fade out above that, but I did have it do it on two separate occasions during live performance when it was set at 3.5. Contact Kemper support and let them know what is happening. They're very good about getting back to emails. It may take a couple of days but they always respond. Let me know how the test goes.

    Edited once, last by chantysboy7 (May 11, 2015 at 11:51 PM).

  • Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I think I have it sorted out.

    do you have the master volume linked only to the main out? sometimes it happens if the master volume is linked to more things

    The 'Monitor Out' was linked to the master. I'm not sure how that happened...I don't think I've ever changed that setting. Anyway, once I unlinked it the Master Volume returned to normal functionality.

  • Glad you got it sorted out to your liking.
    Since circumstances change, do keep this thread (and a few similar ones) in mind for future reference. FWIW and IIRC, I started out having only main out linked to master knob and now I have everything but main out linked to it... :D

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I think I have it sorted out.

    The 'Monitor Out' was linked to the master. I'm not sure how that happened...I don't think I've ever changed that setting. Anyway, once I unlinked it the Master Volume returned to normal functionality.


    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • My issue is similar, but slightly different. I have unlinked the master volume so master volume only changes Monitor out. I plug my QSC powered speaker to Main out to emulate FOH, and then plug my poweramp+cab to monitor out. All works as it should at first volume only affects the monitor, but if I turn the master volume down to zero to hear only whats coming out of Main outs (which works as it should), when I turn up the master back up, the volume doesn't kick in till it's a lot louder than before I turned it down. For example if master is on 1.4 & I can hear the monitor out, after I turn it to zero and then go back up it won't kick in till say 2 or higher. I have gone into the menu for Master out and got main set to -20db, and monitor to about -66db, and have hit the "lock" button. When I turn it to where there should be volume, say back to 1.4 on master & I go back into the master menu and it shows monitor volume at -00. If I turn the knob slowly (for monitor out) in the master menu it suddenly goes from -00 to back to -66??? WTF. Hope this makes sense. Hope someone can help with this as I don't want to send my unit from Australia to Germany

  • My issue is similar, but slightly different. I have unlinked the master volume so master volume only changes Monitor out. I plug my QSC powered speaker to Main out to emulate FOH, and then plug my poweramp+cab to monitor out. All works as it should at first volume only affects the monitor, but if I turn the master volume down to zero to hear only whats coming out of Main outs (which works as it should), when I turn up the master back up, the volume doesn't kick in till it's a lot louder than before I turned it down. For example if master is on 1.4 & I can hear the monitor out, after I turn it to zero and then go back up it won't kick in till say 2 or higher. I have gone into the menu for Master out and got main set to -20db, and monitor to about -66db, and have hit the "lock" button. When I turn it to where there should be volume, say back to 1.4 on master & I go back into the master menu and it shows monitor volume at -00. If I turn the knob slowly (for monitor out) in the master menu it suddenly goes from -00 to back to -66??? WTF. Hope this makes sense. Hope someone can help with this as I don't want to send my unit from Australia to Germany

    The Output volumes are not subject to being "Locked", so maybe you're locking something else in this process?

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer