SPIDIF out VS my Pro Tools HD 16X16 Analog Converters?

  • SPIDIF out VS my Pro Tools HD 16X16 Analog Converters?

    I ask this because I know that really great converters come at a high pricepoint and the chipset and manufacturers of the Kemper A/D converters has not been discussed in any forums I have found.

    Anyone out there who has PTHD cares deeply about the quality that they are delivering to their client base.
    For that matter we should at least be informed as to the difference between the different capture methods and what is the best practice to use when trying to achieve the highest fidelity results.
    I do like to take 3 sends - amp dry, amp wet, DI dry for reamp.

    I am not looking for a weakness to complain about, I just want to know the pinnacle of fidelity.

    What are you doing in your worlds and why?

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