i post tomorrow a picture of a new amp but will still need some time

Deadlight Studio Profiles (New Pack out!!)
[Blocked Image: http://www.bilder-upload.eu/thumb/31272e-1462029588.jpg]
New Amp Day...Profiles coming soon
JCM800KK (Kerry King Signature) -
Pack is still in work...but hear is some teaser!
Pure Amp tone...no Pedal...no additonal EQ or tweak
External Content soundcloud.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy. -
Pack is still in work...but hear is some teaser!
Pure Amp tone...no Pedal...no additonal EQ or tweak
External Content soundcloud.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.Bad ass!!! Keep some mid gain profiles in there for the old farts like me!!!
+1 for us old FARTS!!, From the old Bathory days here....
+1 for 3 string cigar box guitar Djent.....Ow and thanks to Lars and Frank for their kindnessAsh
I had some time off..i will continue with the JCM800 2203 Kerry King this weekend!
and off course i will also do lowgain ones...and also some without Beast mode and without any kind of boost. Also clean ones!
Awesome Amp! Very versatile for just 1 channel! -
Welcome back! ..you filthy disgusting maniacs ..(its okay folks in the metal world that is means a good thing)
Some of us get excited about your new profiles as much as we do when Sin does one..
glad to hear about the cleans/other stuff, its GREAT i still use the other stuff man, like the Bonamassa stuff etc.Ash
Larsball JZM 801 22-02 KK Signature!
56 Merged Profiles..
all gainstages, also unboosted and without Beast Mode! Yes also light crunch and "clean" (Gain 1 is Gain 1.9 haha)
Includes 4 Cabinets/Micings and Slayer Settings!External Content soundcloud.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.Grab them here:
http://tonehammer.bigcartel.com/product/larsba…03-kk-signature -
Can't resist
Fing A man
External Content soundcloud.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.
This one is Slayer settings + 1960 Lead (G12T75) with Heil PR20 the other short snippet was 1960 V30 SM57
God that is freakin sick Lars... Closest REAL and organic slayer tone I've ever heard... Sigh... If only I was still in my slayer tribute band...
Just bought this pack. How long until the download link? cheers
IGNORE. I have received it now. Loving it.
Good lord the kk800 pack is pure gold... Insaneo good. The heil pr20 with the boogie cab and KK settings is so ridiculous it's not even funny... Man I wish I was still playing metal live, these are absolutely awesome. Well done
how about the non boosted ones?
Haha dude they rule too no doubt! @Deadlightstudio I'm definitely trying to find a place for them in my live set. The entire pack is great, the crunch tones are absolutely superb no doubt for anyone wondering. These with a PAF loaded les paul produce top notch rock and blues as well.
Hey just got these profiles and they are fantastic sounding, very usable and sound great through my monitors and real 2x12
Cant wait for your next amp profiles.
p.s Are you still planing on doing a JVM pack at some stage?
Great work as always guys!!! -
..yes there will be a Merged JVM410 Pack soon!
Thanks to all of you guys for the feedback!
So...i bought myself a Diezel VH4 and yes i made a few new/different profiles like in the pack i made a year ago.
Im to lazy to update the old pack and it is good as it is.....
but what about that:
I give all of you 1 Profile per Channel for FOR FREE1 Profile today..the next tomorrow etc