• Would like to interface an Eleven rack with my KPA through SPDIF input. The ER effects are great (Have played through the amps maybe twice since the KPA came...they are not so good) and I do like the input section and the way it works with the effects. But they only sound good to me when it is run 96kHz. 88.2 is OK, but 44.1 and 48 just don't have the dynamics or fullness of 96.Anyone else have this experience with Eleven Rack?

  • Would like to interface an Eleven rack with my KPA through SPDIF input. The ER effects are great (Have played through the amps maybe twice since the KPA came...they are not so good) and I do like the input section and the way it works with the effects. But they only sound good to me when it is run 96kHz. 88.2 is OK, but 44.1 and 48 just don't have the dynamics or fullness of 96.Anyone else have this experience with Eleven Rack?

    You'd do better to run the Kemper within the loop of the 11Rack, so that you can use it exclusively as an amp block with the FX either in front or behind. Running through SPDIF would be sub-optimal because you'd not be able to position the FX anywhere but in front of the Kemper. Control the whole setup with a midi foot controller.

  • Thanks for the response. the other quirk on the 11R is the way the outputs sound. The master outs are XLR only, and I need to get a set of cables that are XLR female to TS. I have a set of XLR to TRS, but the sound is altered through that route. I prefer the sound from the "outputs to amp" for going into an amp than the effects loop. It compromises the sound of the second loop because of the master outs though. I am making things much more complicated than they need to be...

    The effect loop on the 11R adds a little latency also, as does the loop on the KPA. Trying to save on that. But the 11R effects only sound good to me at 96kHz. Some equipment sounds fine at 44.1 (KPA, G-Force), but not this one to me.

    I will try the KPA in the effects loop and see how it does.


  • Did you ever get this to work better? I just got a KPA and I also have an 11R as my DAW interface to PT10 and would like to know how this is is working. Maybe I can set mine up in a similar fashion?

  • It will work, but I still don't like the sound of the XLR's out. The effects loop works ok, but I prefer using one of the Outputs to Amp to the input on the KPA or other devices and then the effects loop return from the KPA outputs. You have to play with the effects loop input and return levels on the 11R to get the right levels. Make sure that the amp and cabinet blocks are off in the 11R. Also set the output to amp level to 0 and the rig output to 0. It takes some comparison to get the levels right.

    Another thing I have done is compare certain effects from the 11R to the KPA, and try to emulate them on the KPA. This works pretty well with some. I really like the compressor on the 11R, but that sound I have not dialed in with the KPA compressor.

    Get familiar with the KPA effects and controls. You may find that you prefer several of the effects on it. These types of processors take time to learn and I find it best to spend exclusive time with new gear to learn its strengths and weaknesses.

    What rate do you normally use? If you are happy with the 11R set to 44.1kHz, then you could use the KPA SPDIF out to the SPDIF in of the 11R. However, this limits routing options.