So a while ago, following some financial trouble (and problems with motivation to play), I decided to sell my Axe FX II.
I played around with bits and pieces, and found that neither the POD HD or the BIAS Desktop stuff suited, nor quite worked at that point and time.
Following the end of Christmas, I had a fair bit of money left, from all the sales I'd done haha.
After scouring around the forums for some Kempers, found one through a dude in the UK! Thanks to him, and some awesome negotiations, we managed to get it sent down to New Zealand!
To be honest, this thing just slays the Fractal, modeling wise hah. I've found that I'm not tweaking as much, and getting some really nice tones. Just plug, and play. Nice and simple, for a dummy like me.
I did manage to just put up a cover with the Kemper today, and hope that it'll be the start of a healthy tonal relationship!
Check it out, and the channel, and feel free to say hi sometime; I'm on there and Facebook