New FCB1010 with Uno4Kemper Wah-Wah crackling

  • Hey, Santa brought me a brand new FCB1010 with the Uno4Kemper chip. 8o
    Everything works well but the wah makes still problems. :|
    When using the expression pedal for the wah functionality, the tone crackles or fades out, when reaching the top end of the pedal range. It sounds poor. :(
    Volume works well (so far).

    I calibrated the pedals (i think it feels) a hundred times. Then i changed the pedals (left, right) for volume and wah. No changes.

    Are there any tips for me?

    Merry Christmas.

  • Not sure about the crackling, but fading out at the top of the pedal's sweep sounds like you need to tinker with the Wah settings in the Kemper. It can take a bit of fiddling to work out how they interact with each other, but I think Peak Range and Pedal Range are the ones you should look at.

    Also, if you haven't tried already, there are one or two presets in the Kemper - select the stomp slot you want, then turn the Browse knob until you get to the WWAH ones. One of them sounds pretty close to a Crybaby.