15 second noodle, hows my low end

  • Hi guys

    Despite having spent a lot of time treating my modest home studio I seem to be having a major problem with missing low end. I'm trying to hone in on it but having only 1 other stereo in my house to A/B against it's very difficult to pin point exactly where the problem is.

    I could do with some input from other members here just to say whether, as I suspect, this will be low end heavy on your listening gear, obviously any studio members with a good room would be particularly welcome to chime in here. :rolleyes:  

    Other than setting pan and levels (as they seem to sound best in my listening position) no EQ or dynamics were applied

    The 115bpm loop is a simple 2* clean US strat and a P Bass. The kit is Native instruments session kit for those that are interested.
