KB profiles,whats the story?

  • yeah, this is clearly not a case of an accidentally uploaded tweaked rig or anything (I wouldn't have said anything then).

    But in this case he went out of his way to claim other people's work as his own:

    - It's not that easy to change the author and location of a profile, in this case he changed all the tags (author, amps, location, speaker and mic), something that has to be done on purpose and doesn't just happen by tweaking a rig (although he didn't even tweak the rig and was stupid enough to even use the same name for the profile.)

    - When confronted he clearly said that he's the creator of the profiles and even told us about the chain he used (again...lol;) )

    So yeah..tweaking someone else's rig and uploading it or deliberately changing all the tags and uploading another persons unaltered profile, then lie about it..two diferent things.

    Here are some of my gear I have used when I made my profiles. In one of these pictures you can see my Mark IV pedal inside.


    Dude, seriously, WTF is wrong with you?
    you've been busted, what do pics of a few pedals say, other than that you obviously have a habit of using other people's names for your own work just as much as using other people's work for your own name...?
    Nice "Mesa" and "Soldano" gear...

    I bet you're driving a Ferrari as well?
    [Blocked Image: http://cdn.carswatcher.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/5/Fake-Ferrari620x433.jpg]

    Don't you think it's time to just come clean?

    Edited 9 times, last by LasseLammert (September 15, 2014 at 6:53 PM).

  • It does not matter what I say, there are several people on this forum who have gone together and try to persuade me that I have done something wrong, which I have not done.

    This is a pure coincidence that it has come to this.

    Take this senario then, if anyone has done a profile and you like the way the settings are in stomp effect, can you not then use the same settings and put them in their own profile?

    All I can say is that I'm sorry that this have happen, that my profile sounds very alike.

  • No, it's not only this one, I've found at least two of my profiles among "his" already.
    And at this point there's no doubt anymore, it's been proven that it actually IS the same profile, and changing author and tags CANNOT happen by accident (besides the fact that IF that would have been the case, he wouldn't have claimed that he created it and even mentioned his chain).
    There's absolutely no point anymore in making excuses, trying to do so just makes it more embarrassing.
    If he would have come clean and apologized I wouldn't even have dragged it out like this, I just think it's absolutely pathetic to steal something and then keep insisting on hilarious claims even after having been caught.

    Time to end this charade

  • Whether what he did was on purpose, accident or even untrue I once again will say that I can not call it, but, I will say that I discovered recently that you can indeed accidentally change the creators name to that of the profiler owner's very easily. I now use this to view my most used rigs while sorting by "my rigs" even if I didn't author them. I thought of sharing this with others so they could sort like this as well(I have found it very useful) but thought better of it for this exact reason.

  • As a fellow Swede and happy KB profiles user I felt the need to chime in. (btw I chose my own username long before this incident)

    Regardless of ethical aspects, KB’s profiles are highly useful.

    Regardless of any forthcoming verdicts, we should keep treating all users with respect.

    If I were to guess, KB’s method of profiling somehow involves taking inspiration from existing profiles (maybe somehow even using other profiles as starting templates?). And considering his results, this might be actually be a good strategy? However as has been hinted by other users, there might be a need to define exactly what amount of ‘inspiration’ is ok for the rig exchange.

    It seems that he might have included at least 2 profiles which should not have been uploaded in their current state. Now at the speed KB is delivering profiles, I am not sure I would blame him.

    And if I were KB, I would certainly feel a bit intimidated by the way this thread has developed.

    I am hoping we’ll see more profiles from both KB and Lasse (and heck I should start profiling as well) - and a positive development of this thread in good spirit!


  • I appreciate what you are saying but what you said works the other way too. If he is using other profiles as "inspiration" then he needs to state that. If he used Lasse's profiles as a starting point, then state that. I have seen someone else on the RE do just that. He said he spoke to Lasse in advance and made a few modifications to the existing profile. I believe he even got permission from Lasse to post it as well. See post: new VH4 - Profile by Lasse Lammert

    At the speed he posts these profiles he should have taken more care in explaining his intentions or "inspiration". He sure posts profiles very fast in comparison to other authors.

    Again, I am not trying to hit you or KB here. There are just way too many coincidences here to just write this off. If he truly did create some of the profiles, great! Some of them sound good. If he is using others work as a template or "inspiration" he needs to state that and leave it there.

  • If he is using others work as a template or "inspiration" he needs to state that and leave it there.

    yeah, but that's not what happened.
    at least in this case he didn't use it as "a template" but blatantly ripped it (without even changing a single paramenter) and claimed it's his own creation

    If I were to guess, KB’s method of profiling somehow involves taking inspiration from existing profiles (maybe somehow even using other profiles as starting templates?). And considering his results, this might be actually be a good strategy? However as has been hinted by other users, there might be a need to define exactly what amount of ‘inspiration’ is ok for the rig exchange.

    "inspiration" is not the problem here, Kristofer.
    "his" profile is not "similar" to mine or anything, it IS my actual profile just with changed names, not a single parameter is changed.
    And there are ways to proove that 100% without a shred of a doubt or any excuses left
    One of those ways is the so called null-test, here's how it works:

    you record a snippet with both profiles (fixed latency), then you invert the phase on one of the recorded tracks. If the recordings (profiles) are IDENTICAL, and ONLY if they're identical they'll cancel out.
    If they're "similar" or "inspired" they'll get somewhat thinner and phasey sounding.
    but if they null out that means that the source is identical.

    So if you do a null test and you get both recordings to cancel out, there's absolutely NO room left for arguing, it prooves beyond any doubt that the profile used was the SAME profile...
    And that's exactly what I did (right now I'm actually uploading the screencap-video of the process to show you).

    So please stop making excuses, everyone....there's no point at all for that anymore, it is not a similar profile and not an accident either, it IS the VERY SAME profile and it's been PROOVEN.

    yeah, maybe some of the profiles he uploaded are really his, but that doesn't change the fact that some aren't and that he's still lying about that

    K, here's the video...what you see is 1 track recorded with my profile (upper track), and one with "his" profile (lower track).
    They're both playing at the same time and every now and then I switch the phase on one of the tracks (whenever that little ø turns orange it means the phase is switched)...
    as you can hear is nulls out, effectively prooving that those two profiles are not similar but indeed the SAME profile


    Edited 5 times, last by LasseLammert (September 16, 2014 at 12:20 AM).

  • Hey Lasse,

    You are right. The more digging I do here the more disappointed I am. For the time and effort you put into helping the KPA community you have every right to be upset. I would too. The sheer volume of profiles posted and the speed at which they were put up was always suspicious to me. I hope this works out for you.

    I wanted to stay out of this but I can't help but be bugged here. I don't see anyway around this but to take them down. Just my $.02 and I am sure someone will poke holes in my comments. I love this product and the community. I don't want it to be tarnished by these types of situations or prevent producers like Lasse to contribute. I don't blame him for being mad.

  • The null test pretty much proves it. No question. There's also another way that doesn't involve listening or using the KPA, but only Kemper can do it. The profile .kipr file contains characteristics of the amp profiled. These are most likely specific parameters for the profiling algorithm. It is easy for them to confirm that two profiles are identical as they would have identical parameters. The odds of this happening for two separate profiling events is probably nil -- possibly even if you did 2 profiles right after each other, as there might be some variations as well as each session being slightly different.

    Either way, it isn't cool taking credit for profiling when you've copied somebody's work exactly. It also calls into question all the other profiles posted -- whether they were obtained ethically or not.

  • Just reading this and is this a joke !!! Why would someone copy a profile and take credit for it.. It's not like he's making $$$ off of it.

    Don't understand why someone would do this. Trying to be a hero of profiling ? I guess there's a need for attention

    What's he point ?
    This KB dude has been putting way too many profiles in a short amount of time on RG . Personally I don't care for them myself. This is just insane really !!!

  • Why would someone copy a profile and take credit for it.. It's not like he's making $$$ off of it.

    Don't understand why someone would do this. Trying to be a hero of profiling ? I guess there's a need for attention

    The internet is a strange and mysterious place, where cowards can be kings and zit-covered teens can be cyber-bullies :evil: