KB profiles,whats the story?

  • You must understand my reaction and how I feel about all of this.

    I'm so tired of all of this bullshiting!

    I think it's low and unhuman to through other people under the bus!

    How the first people who brought this up expressed himself, is it ok to say that to other people?

  • Why do you think that I have steel the profiles? I haven't honestly!
    I have made them myself, using my home made Mark IV pedal.

    All of the profiles I have uploaded, I have made myself!
    I think it's bullshit that say what you did.
    Why you did that, could it be that perhaps I have done some better profiles?

    So stop saying that I have stolen them!

    are you KB?

    if you have made them yourself with your "MKIV Pedal", why are they labeled exactly like my profiles (Liquid Leads, Juicy Chunks), and why does it say it's a Soldano amp and Mesa 4x12 (just like mine)???
    What cab did you use then?

    and stop playing the victim, I took screenshots before they were taken down:

    [Blocked Image: http://lasselammert.com/sonstiges/KB1.png]

    [Blocked Image: http://lasselammert.com/sonstiges/KB2.png]

  • Yes I am.

    Yes I have made these myself with my pedal. I can tweak my pedal with the bias resistors and some switches so I can made my pedal sound like different amps.

    About the names, when I did the profiles, then I was thinking how the result of the profile sounded and after that I named the profiles like that.

    For the cab I used my cab sim that emulates the sound of a Mesa Boogie 4x12 cab closed back.

    I am not playing a victim here! This is a natural reaction when a person attacks another person.

  • Yes I am.

    Yes I have made these myself with my pedal. I can tweak my pedal with the bias resistors and some switches so I can made my pedal sound like different amps.

    About the names, when I did the profiles, then I was thinking how the result of the profile sounded and after that I named the profiles like that.

    For the cab I used my cab sim that emulates the sound of a Mesa Boogie 4x12 cab closed back.

    I am not playing a victim here! This is a natural reaction when a person attacks another person.

    So you tweaked your "MKIV pedal" to sound exactly like a 4k$ Soldano tube head, then you ran it through "your cab sim" that sounds exactly like a Mesa miked with a 57.
    Then the result of the entire chain happens to sound exactly like my profiles (albeit slightly tweaked) and on top of that you thought of a name and by pure coincidence picked the same names I came up with as well...And not only once but at least twice.
    yeah, that's a reasonable explanation, must be my mistake then.

    You should mass-build and sell that pedal and cab sim, mate.

    Edited 5 times, last by LasseLammert (September 14, 2014 at 9:00 AM).

  • Oh wow. I thought the liquid leads and juicy chunks profiles from KB were just very slightly tweaked versions of lasses profiles anyway because they pretty much sound completely alike.

    no, you're wrong, he created them himself with his pedal and cab sim!
    don't you dare accusing him of anything else, or he'll never post here again...or maybe even hold his breath until you apologise!

  • no, you're wrong, he created them himself with his pedal and cab sim!
    don't you dare accusing him of anything else, or he'll never post here again...or maybe even hold his breath until you apologise!

    Never heard of a pedal that sounds like a SLO100 :D

  • Never heard of a pedal that sounds like a SLO100 :D

    oh, this one does not only sound like a SLO, it can also sound like any other amp in the world, you'll just have to tweak a few resistors.
    It really gives the KPA a run for its money when it comes to amp modelling. It's awesome!
    The speaker sim he built is equally versatile and amazing sounding btw!

    EDIT: haha,I just read the first 7 pages of this thread, it's hilarious ;)
    one contradiction after the other, I think some people (djemass) smelled that something was fishy right away.

    EDIT2: and pages 9 and 10 were like this

    Edited 4 times, last by LasseLammert (September 14, 2014 at 9:40 AM).

  • My fault. Must have forgotten that something like that exists.
    [Blocked Image: https://spsublogger.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/7fde4-jimcarrey.gif]

    Edit: at @KB - I´m not saying you stole anything but those 2 profiles really sound identical to Lasse´s profiles. The explanation seems a tad incredible and the names are identical aswell - and the explanation for the names(considering it´s the same amp+cab+sound) is pretty... well, statistically improbable? (quote: "About the names, when I did the profiles, then I was thinking how the
    result of the profile sounded and after that I named the profiles like

    If you are indeed innocent then thats fantastic but so far the evidence points to the contrary.

  • Are you my judge?
    How long should you keep nagging about this?
    Now it is getting very tedious.

    friendly advice:

    you're probably some young kid that wanted some attention on the internet, so you claimed ownership for other people's work..it worked well and felt great for a few days (understandable, everyone likes hearing "you rock").
    But usually it doesn't take long until someone sees through it...
    to a degree it's even understandable that you filled 2 pages with "I swear on the bible" and "how can you accuse me" that's the default reaction for a lot of people who get caught (although it's maybe not the smartest move)...
    Coming up with that really ridiculous explanation was pushing it though, but that also was what gave away that you're probably some small kid (and I don't mean that in a negative way, I used to be a small kid myself...although I had a bit better judgment I think).

    So you gave extremely shady explanations and when people call you out on that you get all definsive and be like "let it go already"....

    DUDE, YOU GOT BUSTED, just admit it and learn from it (and you should probably delete all the profiles form RigExchange that aren't really yours as well).

  • Audio clips don't lie...

    They indeed don´t.
    I also took the liberty of making a double-track out of this. Lasses track on the left, KBs on the right (and added a high/low pass filter). To me this doesn´t sound like 2 different profiles. But what do I know...


    also big one up to lasse for that sick profile. Sounds like heaven.