Lukather - Jake To The Bone (verse sections)

  • Hello guys!
    I am about to do a recording of the song "Jake to the bone" from Toto´s "Kingdom of desire".
    The verse sections is what I am trying to figure out sound-wise. I don´t know how to accomplish that specific sound so I am asking if you know what effects that Lukather is using? I figure it is a bunch of chorus and compression in there, also it seems like a really clean sound but there is some distortion in there and makes it more "powerful" when he´s accenting. Do you have any advice on how to dial that tone?

    Thanks in advance.

    / Mikael

    YNGWIE MALMSTEEN: 'More Is More, Less Is Less. The Idea That Less Is More Is Illogical'

  • By far one of my favourite instrumental song !! The main lead by Luke is totally mindblowing !!

    For the verse, this is typically a single coil neck pick up tone. A good trichorus or other chorus also is used. For the amp this is typically CAE3+ + VHT poweramp, but perhaps try of my MarkIIC+ profile as a starting point... Another guy here posted yesterday also a profile about 80 rack lead tone.

    Hope this helps


  • Thanks for the advice! :)

    Somehow I figured that I would manage to record this song but it is not as easy as it seemed from the beginning.

    The more I listen to it the more I notice how many little nuances makes the song, so to speak. If you miss the details, it sounds really bad. It is clearly a challenge and the question is if I succeed, just practice and time will for sure tell how it all ends up.
    When I started with the song I noticed that it becomes hard to make it sound as good if you do not get the guitar sound relatively close to the original in the verses.
    Only the solo itself is .... well what can I say? I have a lot of hard work ahead of me anyway. :) Nonetheless it's always fun with the challenges! :)

    I tried to mix two choruses together but lost myself in all the parameters in there but I think it might be what you suggest, A trichorus mixed together with another chorus as well...but don´t you think the sound is quite "pushed" like if there´s a compression involved as well?

    I will try the amps you advised, btw, I think your kemper profiles is outstanding, will try them all out! :)


    YNGWIE MALMSTEEN: 'More Is More, Less Is Less. The Idea That Less Is More Is Illogical'

  • Try perhaps one of my RAW profiles, add a trichorus in before the amp. The only compressor I use is the one in the Stack section (amp parameters).

    About the song, I learned it entirely some years, I transcribed the whole very accurately. Check out also on youtube, one guy who nails the studio version