Lernould's TL BassmanOVERDR Profile w/ Added Pedals

  • I started a thread a few weeks back about Lernould's recent Bassman profiles and decided to hit record when I found myself feeling a little grooving. I'm sorry its not the pure profile but what can I say - I still have some pedals that I love and I tend to zone out with those Strymon reverbs and delays. Here's the signal chain -

    MJT Strat w/ Klein Jazzy Cat p.u.'s - volume rolled down a little
    Captain Coconut -> Cornell First Fuzz NOS
    Kemper Profiler
    Strymon Timeline -> Strymon Big Sky

    Rhythm track into Boomerang looper - recorded improvised lead while recording - no DAW effects.


    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.