Looking for some good Friedman profiles

  • I've gotta go against the grain here- IMO the Friedman BE hasn't been captured to its fullest yet. Every profile Ive heard of the BE is very bright and thin. Im a huge fan of Andy's work but the TAF one is unuseable for me. Some of Pete's are OK but i found myself switching cabs, which helped but I hate doing that.

    Haven't tried Andy's Dirty Shirley but there's some on rig exchange that are quite good.

    Gotta try Armin's Pink Taco this week!

  • I've gotta go against the grain here- IMO the Friedman BE hasn't been captured to its fullest yet. Every profile Ive heard of the BE is very bright and thin. Im a huge fan of Andy's work but the TAF one is unuseable for me. Some of Pete's are OK but i found myself switching cabs, which helped but I hate doing that.

    Haven't tried Andy's Dirty Shirley but there's some on rig exchange that are quite good.

    Gotta try Armin's Pink Taco this week!

    I have intent to give the Pink Taco a listen today as I purchased it yesterday.

    I have played through Dave Freidman's amps and they are amazing. Perhaps, as with any amp, it can depend on how they are dialed, what speaker they are through, and mic choice and micing technique to have a profile sound to one's taste. I think my impression of some of the profiles done so far is somewhat as your own.

    Dave's amps can do the early "Eddie Van Halen thing" quite easily and there can be a lot of toppy edge. Cameron amps are in the same range as well, but its how they are dialed, IMO, as I didn't find that character all that they do.

    Most Freidman amps I have played through were coupled with a Freidman 4x12, 2x12, or 1x12 oversized cabinet loaded with H75Hz or H55hz Scumbacks or England built Celestion Heritage or Lynch 12's.

    The Pink Taco I played through was the best sounding take on the Marshall 20 "baby plexi " I have ever used... that's a taste thing, but EL84 amps rarely have girth when hot rodded.
    My experience with the PT is that they easily can sound like this: start at 1:56. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEyjAafj7fQ

    Edited once, last by 1fastdog (May 21, 2014 at 5:57 PM).

  • Awesome clip-thanks! I could totally live with that PT tone. I've heard a few BEs and they do have a distinctive high end but a lot of mid punch and good lows. The profiles I've heard translate the high end characteristics well but seem to lack a bit in the low mids and bottom end. I'm not really a dark amp lover either & will admit to being treble deaf from 30years of Marshall stacks. Could be a tough amp to capture & mic picky. That being said, gonna buy these from Armin- his work is always good.