Survey - Mac/Windows users

  • Mac OS version cannot happen soon enough. I think I have five computers, all Mac and one windows laptop that never gets turned on. Home studio runs a Mac Mini server. Chomping at the bit to get the rig manager. For the love of all things holy.

    Michel-2012 PRS DGT Solana Burst, 2009 PRS Paul's Dirty 100, Gibson ES-333, 2001 Ibanez S1520 Prestige, Kemper.

  • The choice of OS for an application such as rig-manager doesn't matter that much, but musicians are likely to use their computer for other tasks where certain OS-characteristics are crucial for performance, reliability and audio-quality. For reliable audio (and video) processing you need an OS-kernel with proper realtime characteristics. I.e. that an application can be guaranteed near immediate access to hardware resources. Neither Windows nor OSX is ideal for the purpose, but OSX is a lot better than Windows. You can get reasonable results by throwing extreme high-performance hardware in the mix, but reliability still requires real-time properties. What is unfortunate though is that Kemper seems to have stumbled hard into that ditch also known as .net so. I'm afraid that support for other operating systems will require a complete redesign.

    Facts? References?

    Survey accuracy : I'm sure there are more than 300 KPA owners.


    Edited once, last by WillB (April 23, 2014 at 8:47 PM).

  • Facts? References?

    Fact: You can't get reliable low-latency audio or video processing with an OS that may get stuck in unrelated blocking tasks for seconds at a time.

    Reference: For a comparison of the operating-systems real-time capabilities just look at the functionality offered in their respective developer libraries.