Rig Manager on one computer - Transfer to new computer?

  • I have RM currently setup and working on a Thinkpad running Win8.1 and it works perfectly.

    I've got a Surface Pro 2 coming tomorrow and I would like to "easily" transfer the entire Thinkpad RM data to the Surface Pro 2.

    On the Thinkpad I see the RM data in: This PC/Local Disk/User/My name/AppData/Local/Kemper Amps and within that folder is the RigManager folder and within that folder is Backups and Local Library. Local Library a has a .repository file and all my folders that I have created in organizing my rigs. Each folder has a small .repository file and nothing else is visible even with view "hidden items" checked even though the folder information states there is >24M of data.

    The AppData/Roaming has a Kemper Amps folder that is empty.

    Can I install RM on the new computer and just copy the User/My name/ Local/Kemper Amps folder to the new computer for a complete transfer?


    Edited once, last by WillB (March 24, 2014 at 8:26 PM).

  • Yes, it works, I used to work on my PC laptop editing rigs and tag for example and then copy all to my main PC.
    Done many times with no problem at all!
    Would be great if in the future we can also choose the position of this directory to have it not hidden in sub-sub-sub dir...
    But anyway, it already works, so great and useful feature!

  • +10000 to a configurable database location! Not just for convenience, though. Anyone who has more than one computer with RM installed (commercial and home studios, for example) would benefit greatly from a configurable database. Even if it is just a laptop, and separate studio computer (Maurizio70 and I have both been doing it this way) having a single database would be a huge time saver.

    It could initially install with a default location, with a way to change that location in the settings. Version updates would then use whatever location is specified in the settings.

    If a person with multiple computers could configure the database to be in a network location, any of the computers could access the same organized folders, when Rig Manager is opened on that computer. (on a PC, the user can define a network location as a Local Drive, if that makes it easier for RM to access than a local network location address or name)

    Note: I know a shared database location could complicate things, so, I'm not suggesting that. Even if only ONE computer at a time could access the RM database at a time, it would still save a large amount of time, compared to exporting/importing/or copying the organized folders or entire database from one computer to others.

  • you can take everything within "/AppData/Local/Kemper Amps/" and copy it over to a new computer. install Rig Manager beforehand though. the folder in "/AppData/Roaming/ can be ignored, it is not needed anymore.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Copied to OneDrive and on to new computer. Worked perfect and took two minutes.. Windows 8.1 is incredible in it's overall integration across computers (and Win8 phone) and OneDrive for a user account. Surface Pro 2 also amazing.


    Edited 2 times, last by WillB (March 26, 2014 at 6:05 AM).