Rig Manager: Hands free voice controlled rig changes with Windows 8 -

  • I posted this in Tips/Tricks and it should have been here.

    The other day I ran across information about Windows 8 Speech Recognition so I started the program and found it very good. By default it now opens and is available when I start the computer. When needed you just click on the microphone and it enters "listen" mode..

    Windows 8 built in Speech Recognition software can be used to control the Rig Manager database instead of using the up down arrow keys. "Move up" and "move down" voice commands. While playing guitar it is so nice to just say "move up" the then next rig up loads.

    The problem of course is that when the W8 SR mic is on (listening) it is listening to not only my voice saying "move down" but all other sounds including the guitar.

    It is funny to see what words SR tries to make out of the guitar sounds.

    W8 SR is pretty cool though.

    For it to work you have to tell the speech recognition software to "move down" and then say "stop listening". This puts it into a sleep mode (sleep mode option - wake up with voice - must be must be enabled in the advanced settings other wise it turns off and voice won't reactivate it).

    "Move up X" (X=say a number such as "move up 5" works. All of the Windows pull down menus can be voice controlled such as "Edit" (pulls down the menu), copy etc etc.

    Now I can play the guitar and when want to go to the next rig I say "start listening" followed by "move up" (or down) followed by "stop listening". Not ideal but it works without removing your hands from the guitar.


    Edited 3 times, last by WillB (March 4, 2014 at 1:38 AM).

  • Cool feature that is often overlooked for so many more other things also...

    I still always find weird to speak to my computer instead of typing on it though...

    It does pass somewhat OK when I am alone with my wife but it gets very strange when I am in my cubicle and colleagues start thinking that I must be totally crazy talking to myself or to "something" I see that they are not aware of. :P

    Edited 2 times, last by StealthAMD (March 4, 2014 at 7:37 AM).

  • I got used to talking with Xbox One controlling my TV.
    When using W8 SR you can speak the three required statements fairly quickly to move to a different rig.
    At 120 bpi: "start listening" 3, 4; "move down three" 3, 4; "stop listening" and immediately play.
    Repeat as necessary. Of course the arrow keys still operate when doing quick scans for a rig.
