Tuner enhancements

  • There's a lot of unassigned buttons around the tuner-screen that could be put to good use:

    • A global setting in the tuner display to enable/disable tuner activation at zero volume controlled by one of the available buttons next to the "mute signal" flag on the tuner screen. There is a workaround in the rig-menu that involve changing the range of the pedal and a flag to make it global. However, this makes all settings for the volume-pedal apply to all rigs. I'd like to be able to vary the location of the volume pedal (pre/post stomps/effects) between rigs as well as varying the range so it would be nice to have the behaviour of the tuner controlled separate from the rigs. I prefer to be able to work the UI with volume off and use a pedal to activate the tuner instead of having it activated by rolling off the volume. (Btw; Having the tuner activated at zero-volume and with a pedal,or mode knob, at the same time also triggers what can be described as the "double tuner activation bug" in current firmware that locks the display in tuner mode. A mode-change is required to get out of the tuner)
    • Support for compensated tuning schemes. Half of the guitars I use actively are set up with the Buzz-Feiten tuning system where open strings are tuned a little off and it would be nice to have the tuner compensate. There could be a set of factory presets for the most common tuning schemes as well as user-defined sets. Offset tuning could be activated with one of the unused buttons above the tuner display and selected from a list of tuning schemes using one of the unused rotary knobs below. Complete compensated tuning schemes for guitar include 12 offsets. One for each string open and one for the octave above (12th fret) for intonation purposes.

    Extending this with a list of ideas from the dialog below:

    • Display numeric offset (cent). Useful for compensated tunings as well as different intonation schemes.
    • Different visual representations of tuning. Strobe-style display requested specifically.

    Edited 2 times, last by heldal: Extending wishlist (February 21, 2014 at 6:47 PM).

  • +1

    I'd also like to use this topic for my request about the front panel quick tuning LEDs:

    IMO, It would be a lot easier to see the tuning if the ONLY the one in the center is lit when the string is in tune (the bubble does not touch the edges of the 'in tune' area). And when the string is flat/sharp, only the LED on that side of the center LED gets lit. In that way, it would be a lot clearer to see the tune than the way it currently works: both side are lit with white light and the green light is used to represent the situation of the tune.

  • +1

    Hate the switch between mute / tuner and near zero volume - makes volume swells sound wrong on some patches. Just let me turn the auto-tuner thing off!

    Like the idea of better tuner options, maybe different display options - can it do a strobe style?