Tuner and volume-pedal position-tracking [found workaround]

  • The KPA doesn't seem to track changes to volume while in tuner-mode when the tuner is activated using either the mode-knob or an external switch. Going back to browse-mode the tuner-display may remain active when volume is turned up. I normally avoid the problem by changing the range for the volume pedal to avoid "double-activating" (by knob+pedal) the tuner accidentally, but it's a pain when i forget and it has to be done manually for every single rig.

    To reproduce:
    Start in browse-mode with a rig with default volume-pedal-range (so that the tuner activates at 0 vol) and volume pedal turned up to max then ...
    1. Switch the mode-knob to tuner
    2. Take the volume-pedal to 0 (mute)
    3. Switch mode back to browse. The rig is shown on the display as expected ... but
    3. Press pedal to increase volume, and as soon as the volume increases the display switches back to the tuner, but audio is no longer muted despite the tuner being configured to mute. The KPA now remains locked in tuner-mode regardless of the position of the volume pedal and it requires interaction via the front-panel to restore normal operation.

    If I use an external plain pedal/switch to toggle the tuner it works the same as using the front-panel knob except that the KPA can't be restored to normal operation with 2 hits on the pedal. I have to reach for the mode-knob. Somehow a pedal configured to activate the tuner doesn't seem equivalent to switching the tuner on/off on the KPA front-panel.

    I use the KPA with a Behringer FCB1010 w/uno4kemper (1.2) and an extra toggle switch for the tuner. In addition to better tracking of anything happening to the volume-pedal while in tuner-mode I'd really appreciate a global setting to disable tuner-activation at 0-volume. I prefer to be able to browse/switch rigs with the volume off without having to edit every single rig I use. I'm currently running kaos 2.3.1b but the problem has been the same with every firmware-release I've tried in the past 8 months.

    Edited 2 times, last by heldal (February 12, 2014 at 10:24 AM).

  • You can disable tuner at volume pedal 0

    push rig button go to page 3 set range to -4.9

    Yes I know as described in the OP, but it's a pain to keep track of the changes to every single rig used. It shouldn't be that hard to make it a global parameter. For example a flag toggled by a button next to "Mute Signal" on the tuner screen. This is a feature request. OTOH, the ability to place the system in "deadlock" if you accidentally push a couple buttons or pedals in the wrong order is IMHO a bug. The volume-pedal should work normally when you return from tuner-mode regardless of what has happened to its setting while the tuner was active.

  • These setting will make it global

    opps it use to be global

    If it it ever was global I've missed that. Nor does it IMHO make sense to have global parameters in the rig-dialog, unless they are clearly labelled as being global.

    Edit: I've missed the "Lock vol pedal" flag. Also worth noticing that it has to be set separately for browse and performance mode. I still think it makes more sense to configure the tuner's behaviour from the tuner-screen rather than the rig-dialog though. To me the most logical meaning of the label "Lock vol. pedal" in a rig-config would be to disable the pedal for this particular rig. The current "lock" seem to affect all parameters on the page. I.e. if you don't want the tuner activated on zero-volume you also loose the ability to set individual volume-pedal ranges for each rig. Therefore I consider this a workaround, not a solution.

    Edited 5 times, last by heldal (February 12, 2014 at 10:25 AM).