Spring reverb, again, again, again.....

  • I think the point is that this is a feature request group. If it bothers you that folks repeatedly ask for a feature, DON'T EFFIN' READ IT.

    Whining about folks whining is such a strawman IMO.

    And I've owned the kemper for about 2 years, during which the entire time I've heard from the rumor mill that "they are working on it" but have yet to read a single reliable/informed posting indicating that they actually are. I'm at the point where I'm probably going to switch over to the AX8 when it comes available because the axefx effects are so much better and if kemper were proactive to publish even approximate dates for features, this type of jumping ship could be avoided.

    Don't let the noise Gate hit you on the ass, on your way out. :P;)

    just kiddin'...kind of, sort of.

  • I think the point is that this is a feature request group. If it bothers you that folks repeatedly ask for a feature, DON'T EFFIN' READ IT.

    Whining about folks whining is such a strawman IMO.

    And I've owned the kemper for about 2 years, during which the entire time I've heard from the rumor mill that "they are working on it" but have yet to read a single reliable/informed posting indicating that they actually are. I'm at the point where I'm probably going to switch over to the AX8 when it comes available because the axefx effects are so much better and if kemper were proactive to publish even approximate dates for features, this type of jumping ship could be avoided.

    I would be very surprised if we didn't have something very concrete mentioned at NAMM. I will be there again this year, so I'll know more then.

    I am very certain that CK doesn't want to just follow the crowd insofar as effects are concerned. I think you could easily look at the level of quality and features he designed into the pitch effects to get a hint of how he'd like to stretch the boundaries with time based effects.

    If you feel that you have to switch due to the Kemper holding you back musically, then do what seems right for you. But, if the amp sounds - which are certainly the core appeal - work, I would delay making a hasty decision. YMMV

    BTW, you haven't just heard the rumor-mill...CK has publicly stated that he is working on this area.

  • Exactly, and he's confirmed to us on many occasions that they're "working on" various features in the past.

    Whining about folks whining is such a strawman IMO.

    I wouldn't consider the proposal that "whining" is not effective past a certain point, whining, jzucker.

    That's just MHO 'though, and I respect your opinion, mate.

    And I've owned the kemper for about 2 years, during which the entire time I've heard from the rumor mill that "they are working on it" but have yet to read a single reliable/informed posting indicating that they actually are.

    As I stated above, Christoph himself has done so, as he has for other features such as Pure Cab™ on a per-rig basis and the arrival of PC in the FW update before the current one.

    I'm at the point where I'm probably going to switch over to the AX8 when it comes available because the axefx effects are so much better and if kemper were proactive to publish even approximate dates for features, this type of jumping ship could be avoided.

    Given your apparent philosophy, you'll have to avoid a significant number of brands then. Too many come to mind to even start listing, but I wish anyone who's prepared to follow this reasoning good luck; he or she will certainly need it.

    Once again, even 'though I disagree with the foundations of your decision, jzucker, I respect the fact that you're fully entitled to make it; it's your call after all. Just one tiny piece of "advice" 'though: I wouldn't go calling upstanding members such as our John (Tritium) fanbois at the drop of a hat. I think you'll find that he was simply surprised at how "fickle" (from our perspective) a reason constituted justification for jumping ship from the tone powerhouse that is the Kemper. I was too, hence why I bothered to chime in on this.

    One last time: It's your call and I respect that; I'm only appealing to you to reconsider given that at least one of your reasons for contemplating this action (the lack of "official" communication when it comes to your and our wish for spring 'verb) is manufactured by you, unwittingly or not. Now that would be a straw man, brother.

    I had to seriously LOL, Michael. For some reason even picturing Will's face makes me laugh any time I do it.

  • Quote from Monkey_Man

    I wouldn't go calling upstanding members such as our John (Tritium) fanbois at the drop of a hat.

    When someone tells me, not to let the door hit me in the ass on my way out, i'm not inclined to show much respect in return.

  • When someone tells me, not to let the door hit me in the ass on my way out, i'm not inclined to show much respect in return.

    Indeed, no disrespect mean't, jzucker. Just my (poor) attempt at a little wit and levity. Did not mean to cause offense...and if I did, please accept my apologies.


  • I understand, Zuckster; hopefully a retrospective glance at the comment will reveal its attempt at a little tongue-in-cheek prodding. I'm confident he didn't mean it badly, and thought it quite funny myself.

    Gonna hang around a bit and see how the spring 'verb thing pans out, mate?

  • I think the point is that this is a feature request group. If it bothers you that folks repeatedly ask for a feature, DON'T EFFIN' READ IT.

    Whining about folks whining is such a strawman IMO.

    And I've owned the kemper for about 2 years, during which the entire time I've heard from the rumor mill that "they are working on it" but have yet to read a single reliable/informed posting indicating that they actually are. I'm at the point where I'm probably going to switch over to the AX8 when it comes available because the axefx effects are so much better and if kemper were proactive to publish even approximate dates for features, this type of jumping ship could be avoided.

    jzucker - if you need the effects then I would say instead of ditching the KPA add the AX8. I added an Axe Fx about 18 months ago for the effects and now use it for amps as well at times. But I would't get rid of my Kemper as it does what it does very well and I get a lot of enjoyment playing it. Also, the formant shift, transpose effects on the KPA can't be beat by the Axe if you need those.

  • Quote from SwAn1

    jzucker - if you need the effects then I would say instead of ditching the KPA add the AX8. I added an Axe Fx about 18 months ago for the effects and now use it for amps as well at times. But I would't get rid of my Kemper as it does what it does very well and I get a lot of enjoyment playing it. Also, the formant shift, transpose effects on the KPA can't be beat by the Axe if you need those.

    I'm considering that. Best of both worlds.

  • With apologies to the fanboys on both sides, it really is. I know that cost is a factor that makes it difficult for many but the AX8 pricing makes it a little easier and a route I would go now if I were deciding instead of the full AxeFx. The cool thing I am playing around with at the moment is the ability to play more than one amp at a time (1 in the KPA and up to 2 in the Axe though I believe that the AX8 only has one.) When the KPA gets new effects (and I am sure that it will be) it won't take away from what I already have but just give me different options. Sounds like you may be in a situation to do both but if it is an either / or situation for you and if you like the actual amp options and sounds / feel in the KPA though, I would caution about just giving it up for something else till you first try the other as there is something about the KPA amps that just feel very satisfying to me.

  • Yeah Sam, and I'm predicting a bunch of wah models as part of said expansion. I mean, why was Don P. asking for wahs mid-way through last year, eh?

    Who knows what the breadth of this expansion will be (rhetorical question), so it's quite exciting to me.