good home studio monitors...

  • I've had the Equator D8's for about a week now and so far really like them. Plenty loud! Good bass response as well. I don't have a lot to compare it to, but they are really good, crisp, accurate sounding speakers IMHO. I think they are worth every penny.

  • I've had the Neumann KH-120's for a couple of months. They are stunning IMO. If the price doesn't put you off they are well worth putting on your audition list!

    I also agree with others that a near field monitor for practice might not fit the bill..... I guess you could put one behind the drummer's head and one between yours but until you've tried it in your basement with your drummer and your personal benchmark of what you expect it's not possible to say anything other than 'it might work but that's the wrong tool for the job' :)