I've noticed that the tuner on the Profiler is exceptionally sensitive, and also very quick in its response.
The latter makes me feel a bit uncomfortable, because the strings' attack transitory (?) can be quite mad at times.
Then I recalled that my Korg DT-1 has got the ability to switch from a Fast Response mode to a Slow Response mode.
I always keep it set to Slow, because I find that this setting better reflects the strings' behaviour, and - so to say - filters out the "ground noise" (in terms of information) giving the user only the most useful info about the string's tuning (during the decay phase).
I wonder whether this function could be designed into the Profiler as well, or if it wouldn't be the case to go for a Slow mode only. After all, measuring the attack behaviour of a guitar or bass string is of no use... unless I'm missing something.
This would make tuning faster and more accurate IMO.
What do you guys think?